Chapter 5 * First Love

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"Just sit back and relax." I say. "Your job will be later on." I grinned enthusiastically and started to pick some good clothes for him.

They really have great clothes here. Ofcourse I knew that because I have a dad. He buys some of his clothes here when he recieves his salary.

As soon as I picked up 6 or 7 outfits,I glanced at him with a playfull grin. I never thought I could do this again.


He looks at me with exasperation and rolled his eyes. "What now?"

I hand him the outfits and commanded him to try them all in the fitting room.

"Are you trying to put on a fashion show?" He says in disbelief.

"Just do it." I push him to the fitting room.

I knew he wouldn't like the idea. But once again,he has to do this. I'm just doing my job here.

"And why on earth would I do this for you?"

"Because I can pour that hot water again on your body whenever I want to." I raise an eyebrow as I say proudly but teasingly.

Nick gives me a dark glare and walks away irritably heading to the room. I didn't mean to be so demanding. I'm just trying to help him.

I settled down on a couch near the fitting room as I wait for him to come out with a different outfit. The salesladies were chatterning while they eagerly waited for Nick to come out. I can't blame them. Nick is totally appealing. Any girl would wanna be with him. And I admit,including me. But it's just a thought. I didnt say I liked him. Let's just say he's not really my type.

After a thousand years,he finally came out. He was in a jean jacket vest without anything under which exposed his muscles,black skinny jeans with chains hanging on it,and black shades completeing it.

The salesladies were dumbfounded the moment they saw him come out with that look. Frankly,I did too. But ofcourse I immediately slapped myself in my head before he could notice that. I don't want him to think he can seduce me like that.

"I'm not Justin Bieber,you know?" Nick says strictly as he gazes at me.

"Yeah." A fake chuckle comes out from me. "You should try the others."

"He's so cute!"

"They should've picked that!"

"Yeah. He looks so sexy in it."

Okay. That sounded really disgusting for me. I was never that type of girl. I admit that he kind of gets me with his strong sex appeal,but I don't think that way. They should know their limits. Then they give him that coy look like they were trying to seduce him.

Ugh. I never knew the mall's salesladies were these kind of girls.

After a few seconds,he went out again. This time he was in a white polo under a dark blue coat with white buttons on it paired with brown jeans. He looked charming in it. The salesladies were shrieking silently again as they looked at him.

Good thing now I wasn't dumbfounded. A little charmed maybe.

"You look too charming." I give him a disapproving look. "I have to say no."

Then again,he went back inside. And everytime he went out,his face grew sulkier filled with exasperation,and it was kind of amusing in some way.
The saleslady didn't stop being so coqquettish and I think it made Nick more irritated and impatient when he could feel they were drooling over him.

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