Chapter 7 * Moves

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Home. It's been days since I left the city with my friends not even knowing what have happend to me. It's a complete distraction for me to think about them worrying about me. Not to mention,Aunt Meg,who stood as my mother for 8 years. I am a gangster but I'm still a human being,feeling pain and worry for my loved ones. But ofcourse,the old man's not included,considering he did this to me without any warning.

Among all those thoughts,my father being a murderer hurt me the most. I can't even believe he had urge to do such brutal thing. Well,I didn't know how he did it but I'm sure it was something. Something I didn't wanna know any further details anymore.

This town's qualities is completely distant from the city which lessened my anger. As we drive to the outskirts of town,I sight the sea having clear water,less cars,more trees which makes more fresh air.

But I didn't like this day at all. My first day at a new school with this girl on the front seat while her dad drove. Ofcourse I didn't like the idea of transferring to a different school. It's so much better to be at home,especially when I think of the scenario of me,alone in the house while the two are away every weekdays,getting wasted. And anyway,I'm not really into books and blackboards and stuff. I better stay home and breathe in the loud music,my comfort.

"Nick," Uncle cuts off my thoughts. "you should join in the clubs with Julie and her friends." He grins at the rear-view mirror. "Julie says they're really good in training their students."

Not caring at all. Julie's torment and Caitlin's presence is enough. Not to mention this situation again.

"We've got a lot of clubs there." Julie says as she turns to me enthusiastically. "Aquacade,Math Brainiac,Music and Lyrics,Sci Whiz,Move and Groove...." And she went on annoyingly. Literally ringing on my ears.

Sad to say,I don't give a damn to any of those stupid clubs. Not a single thought of immersing atleast one of them. I've never even had an interest on it before. Even on Eastwood High,back in the city,I haven't had a single club and associate with numerous students. Not my thing at all. All I do is race,hang out with friends and get wasted.

"So," Julie grins. "which one are you interested in?"

I didn't reply. Instead,I stared out the window,ignoring her foolish words.

"Hey." She says.

Uncle Rick snickers. "Don't worry,kid." He says. "You'll have good time there. Julie will help you."

Yeah,right. Good time. Having a good time in such situatation. Just great.

* * * * * * *

"Bye dad!" Julie says as she grins and gives her a dad a quick kiss on his cheek as she gets out of the car.

The university was quite wide but not that tall. As what I can see,it only has three floors,but because it's wide,it looks big. Students covered the field as they chattered with their friends by group. Some where just arriving and entering the building. The field is like their entrance,the first part you'll see when you park your car in the parking lot,which made it look like a huge school.

"Don't let the school melt." Julie says playfully and chuckles. "Come out already,we'll be late."

As I irritably get out from the car,two people greeted Julie with grins on their faces. A tall girl having brown hair like Julie wearing a long striped pink shirt with black tights and a purple scarf around her neck to match her sneakers. Then the blonde guy,just abput the same height as the girl,wore a green shirt under jean-jacket vest paired with heavy jeans and headphones around his neck.

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