Chapter 15 * Emotional

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Food was all over the table when I got back from the comfort room. I turn to Julie with a questioning look. She just grins at me like a little kid who's been craving for these kinds of food. There was chicken nuggets,beef steak,mushroom soup,two rice bowls,cheesy crisscut fries,and then two drinks of orange juice.

I seated across her without taking my eyes off on the comestibles. Is she really that greedy? Or she just hasn't eaten up this week?

Julie grins at me. "What? You told me it's your treat."

"I don't care if I'm the one who has to pay for it." I say sternly. "I just don't know how you're gonna eat it all up in one breath."

"And who told you I'd eat it all up in one breath?"


She chuckles. "Ignore me. My metabolism works very hard that's why."

I puff out a breath and began pouring mushroom soup in my rive bowl. I decided to treat the girl here near the campus because I heard they're gonna be eating here for Kyle's achievment. Yes,he still got in. He shooted a few times and had a few skills.

Speaking of them,here they come. Julie glances at them and turns to me. "Here they come." She whispers,taking a bite from the steak.

"I think I know that." I say as if it wasn't the most obvious thing in the moment.

The three of them took their seats on a table a few meters away from us. We were near the glass window while they were near the counter. Todd suggests that he should take the order so he left the both and walked to the counter. Caitlin and Kyle chatted as they waited for Todd. They haven't noticed us yet so I made a move for attention.

"Julie!" I blurted out as I purposely poured the soup on me. I didn't know I was this desperate already.

Julie gapes as Caitlin turns to us and the other customers follow. "What happend? What did you do?" She says as she helps me wipe the stain of the shirt.

"I guess I stared at you too much." I say.

Julie looks at me feeling sheepish while Caitlin feels a little pain. Gotcha,girl! I smirk.

"Stop fooling around,Nick." She fakes a chuckle and seated again. "But don't worry. Just wear your basketball shirt again." Julie buries her hand in her bag and takes out the shirt I wore earlier. "Here." She grins as she hands it to me.

"You're the best." I grin at her and stood up. Walking to the comfort room,I ignore the three,acting all natural.

When I got back,I noticed Todd was handing Caitlin a large silver box. She opened it and revealed a pair of glittering pink sandals. I seated down as Julie slurped the orange juice. Smiling at her,I bury a hand in my pocket and took the emergency necklace. In case of times like these.

Beaming at her,I stood up and walked to her. She looked at me in bafflement as I gather her hair and settled it on her chest. Julie felt a little sheepish by then as I started placing the necklace on her. More importantly,Caitlin noticed me doing the thing.

When I finished doing my thing,Julie checked it out and felt a little teary-eyed. Then all of a sudden,
unexpectedly,she bluntly stood up and hugged me. At first she made me gape,but then I realized she was doing the act so I hugged her back. No one could blame me if I was a little surprsied by her embrace. Since the two women that broke my heart,no girl has ever embraced me like this after them.

It wasn't so soon when I suddenly heard her weeping as she buries her face on me. I look at her in confusion and took her off so that I could clearly see her.

"W-w-what are you doing? A-a-are you crying?" Damn,I stuttered. I wasn't used to making girls cry,because the girls in my life where the ones who made me feel in pain.

"S-sorry. I just---" Wiping her tears away,she forces out a smile from her lips. "I'm so sorry. It's just that no one has ever done this to me before."

With theat,she hit me. I don't know how or why,but she touched me. I saw joy in her eyes when she said that.

"It's a pleasure." I say as I recover from her words. "Any girl like you deserves this treatment." I beam at her and pulled her close to me.

I kissed her forehead like what I did earlier,but now it was different. It felt different. It felt so different that I alsmost thought this wasn't part of the act anymore.


I kinda love that scene. But I can't tell you if Nick's starting to feel something inside him. It's just chapter 15 and there are more happenings to be discussed.

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