Chapter 14 * Operation Heartbreak

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"Where are you?!" Nick scowls impatiently across the phone. "The try out's are about to start,already! Don't be such a turtle!"

"I'm in a test,just so you know. Don't call me now." I muttered under the table. "I'll be there in two shakes. Bye." I hung up without waiting for his reply.

How could he be so demanding in such time? He's really getting obsessed in hurting Caitlin,isn't he? He asked me to be there on the try outs for the transferees that wants to join the varsity team and ofcourse,be a stage girlfriend to him for Caitlin to be jealous. Yes,Caitlin will be there and so will be Todd. Todd's friend will be trying out too so he's in support.

After a few minutes,I finally answered the test and immediately passed it infront. Even if I wasn't so sure of some of my answers,I hate to leave them behind. Leaving blank spaces isn't my thing. I feel like I'm brainless when I do such thing.

Bidding Jesse and Cody goodbye,I scurried down the hall and headed to the court. It's only 3 minutes before the start of the try outs but I went to the canteen to grab a bottled water and a few snack for him. Then I rush to my locker to grab a face towel and a supporting banner for my boyfriend.

Yes,a supposrting banner. I don't even know why I'm suddenly being supportive. I'm just doing my role well,that's all. This is what girlfriends do when they have a basketball player boyfriend,don't they? Ofcourse I know all of this because of the usual thing where we take our knowledge of things we didn't experience,the movies.

As soon as I got my things,I rush to the court. Glancing at my watch,I learnt that I was already 6 minutes late. Ugh. Screw the time and just run.

When I got there,I sighted Nick dribbling the ball wearily,walking to the center because it was his turn to shoot. Caitlin and Todd were in the bleachers,together with Austin and his gang. Why are they friends? Well,Todd and Austin are cousins. Complications.

Panting,I wave at Nick and tried to catch his eye. A satisfied smile formed on his lips as he did and dribbled the ball with more force as he glanced at Caitlin with a smirk. Then shooted the ball perfectly. I applause as he did.

I head down to the last bleacher so that I could easily assist Nick whenever he needs me. As I pass by Caitlin and Todd,I beam at them and glanced at the boys. Good thing Austin's group wasn't so close to them. Speaking of them,they still haven't apologized for the tragedy they've caused to Nick. I still couldn't forget that night.

I breathe as Caitlin says,"Being a stage girlfriend?"

"I guess so." We chuckle in unison but hers was a sour one. What else would it be?

In the corner of my eye,I notice Austin feel a little pissed off when I said that.
Was he jealous or something? Why would he be? And why am I even asking? Ofcourse it's just because he couldn't believe I can also have a love life with these looks he plays with. And with a gangster. The thought makes me smile and turn to Nick.

Turning back to them,I say,"I'll just head down.".

Caitlin nods. "Sure."

Nick awaits from the bottom as I go down on the stairs. He looks at me with a smile.

"Wow. You're smiling,huh?" I say as settle my things on the bench.

"And that's because of you." He says with that deep tone.

I turn to him thoughtless. "She can't hear us."

"But she can see us."

I nod looking impressed. "Okay then. Goodluck my..." I paused and searched for the right word.

"No need for corny endearments." He says. "This is enough." Nick grins and surrounds his left arm around my neck,making me feel giddy all of a sudden. He surely doesn't know how to warn.

I breathe. I guess this is fine. It's not real anyway. Is it? Ugh. Just focus,Julie.

Presently,another guy tries out and walked to the center dribbling the ball. It was Kyle,Todd's cousin,a 9th grader.
Kyle shoots but it wasn't so good that it didn't get through.

Nick snickers at the scene. I elbow him for that. "What? He's totally lame."

I turn to the guy and see him bow down in shame and walked back to the bench. Poor guy.

"Don't say that. He did his best." I say being protective.

Nick breathes.

"Everybody team up! We'll have one game! Whoever proves that they have the skills and qualities in being a varsity,whoever proves that they deserve to be in this team,will ofcourse pass." Coach Driscoll remarks. "Are you in?!" He asks.

Turning to Nick,I beam at him. "Go get em." I say enthusiastically as he gets up and jogs to the center.

It wasn't too soon that Coach Driscoll whistled and the games began.


4 shots to score till time runs out. Dribbling the ball,I grab it and pass it to Jared as I ran to our site and he immediately shooted it as soon as he held on it. 3 more shots.

"Go Nick!" I hear Julie cheer. "Go for the win!"

Presently,Kyle was the one to shoot this time. As we waited in our site,Kyle started dribbling. He felt a little anxious and started shaking. His teammates encouraged him to do it well while he felt more nervous. Kyle glanced at Todd and he gave him a supportive smile to go get it. But the smile wasn't enough. He shooted but it slipped out the ring.

Immediately,my team was racing to grab the ball. Fortinately,I grabbed it myself. I shooted it as soon as I got it. Then I realized it was a 3-point shot.

Bam! Head shot!

Julie screamed in excitement and jumped up and down happily. My teammates cheered for me as they carry me up chanting,"Moore! Moore!Moore!",like they wanted me to give them more shots.

Bringing me down,I rush directly to Julie. It was the perfect time to give them a show.

"Yey,Nick! My boyfriend's the best!" She continued to jump as I grabbed a tight embrace and raised her up. I could feel her gaping in shock. She wasn't used tot his,was she? I chuckled. "Nick,what are you doing,put me down!"

"Quit complaining. Do the act." I muttered and forced a grin.

Julie groans but did as I said. "Yey,you won!" She faked a happy tone.

Looking at Caitlin,she forced a smile out of her but I ignored it and gave Julie a kiss on the forehead. That should do it. Her smile lowered down and she turned to Kyle and congratulated him. As if he did something great today.

Julie felt sheepish whe I gave her a kiss,which made me snicker. This girl is sometimes amusing to play with. Ignoring the scene,she offers me water and grabs the face towel to wipe up my sweat. Then started acting like a real girlfriend. I gotta say,she's quite an actress.


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