15. I Have a Bad Dream

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Jenny held my hand gently, guiding me through the trees.

It was nighttime and the moon was up, shining through the leaves and decorating the forest floor in spotted light. It was surreal.

Jenny looked back at me, smiling every so slightly. She looked pretty tonight. Her hair was falling around her face, framing it perfectly.

"Come on, you still want to see it, right?" She said, her voice the only sound in the forest. There weren't crickets chirping and the leaves were brushing against each other silently. It gave me a sense of unease, but I trusted Jenny.

I smiled back at her and she continued leading me through the forest.

Eventually we entered a clearing. The moon illuminated it entirely, allowing me to see the entire clearing as if it were day. There was a small, stone, circular platform in the middle of it. It was worn away with age, moss growing over it. I slipped my hand out of Jenny's and walked over to inspect it closer.

"How did you find this place?" I asked, crouching down and gently grazing my hand across the rough stone. "It's beautiful."

"Just like to wander," She said. Something felt off though. It sounded too tense. The air felt too tense. Something was wrong.

"Hey Jack?" I turned around to look at her. She had a rock in her hand. "I'm sorry."

"Hey wait-" I couldn't get anything else out before the rock came in contact with my head.

When I woke up, my wrists were tied down to the deteriorating stone platform. There was a mess of voices around me that I quickly identified as belonging to the people surrounding the platform. There must have been at least a hundred of them, all wearing the same black clothes and blue mask.

"Nice too see that you're up," A soft voice said from beside me. I didn't say anything in reply, instead opting to just glare at Jenny. She put her hands up slightly in mock surrender. "Look, I'm sorry for hitting you with a rock. Not my fault you were the perfect sacrifice."

My eyes widened a bit at sacrifice, causing a small grin to land on Jenny's face. "We should start the ceremony. No point in dragging it out too long, you know?" She stood up and turned to face the audience. She started talking but I couldn't hear her over the blood rushing in my ears.


I was going to die here.

The crowd started chanting something that I couldn't understand. Two masked people, similar in height to Jenny, approached me. One of them wrapped their arms around my torso, preventing me from thrashing, while the other held my head, keeping me from moving it.

Jenny sat down in front of me, brushing some hair out of my face. "I feel bad that I'm going to have to ruin your face. It's really pretty. Very symmetrical." She smiled before opening a box I didn't realize she had previously put in front of her. It was filled with various tools. She pulled out a spoon and moved closer to me.

"This might hurt a bit," She warned before stabbing it into my eye.

My eyelids snapped open.

I sat up quickly, my breath coming in short gasps. There was wood under my hands. I was sitting in a chair. There was a sizzling sound coming from my left. I was in a kitchen, at the house. Jeff was cooking the two of us food.

"Are you okay?" He asked me after a few seconds of silence. I didn't reply, instead bringing my knees to my chest and hiding my face in my arms. "Guess not."

I felt my sleeves get slightly wet from my tears. I hadn't had a nightmare like that before. They were all usually about what happened back at the facility.

Maybe it was because I was thinking about all my friends from college too much lately and now I was dreaming about them. I had to figure out how to get them under control. I don't think I'd be able to keep handling having this many.

"Dude what's wrong?" Jeff asked, sitting down at the table. I just shook my head. I didn't want to explain to him. I didn't think I would be able to anyways.

"Should I get someone who you can talk to? Would Hoodie work?" Jeff offered. He wasn't usually this nice but that was something I would think about another time.

I nodded, face still hidden in my arms, and Jeff got up, exiting the kitchen. Maybe Hoodie would be able to figure out ways to prevent nightmares. There might be medication I could take. Would I be able to keep it down though? If I wasn't able to eat normal food, then my stomach might reject pills too.

Two sets of footsteps entered the room, along with the scents of pine and iron.

"He just woke up and started crying. Might've been a nightmare," Jeff whispered to Hoodie. There was a moment of silence before footsteps approached me. I heard them pull a chair out and drag it over so it was right next to mine. There was a hand lightly brushing over my shoulder before pulling me into a hug.

It was warm and comforting. I leaned into the hug, lifting my face out of my arms so I could wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my jacket.

"Do you have nightmares a lot?" Hoodie asked, tracing shapes into my shoulder with his fingers. I nodded. He was quiet for a while, not pushing for any information about the nightmare.

Jeff left at some point, taking the meat out of the pan and setting some of it on a plate for me while he took the rest up to his room to eat there.

"We're gonna figure out something for your nightmares. I promise," He whispered, removing his hand from my shoulder in order to brush it through my hair. It felt nice. Things always feel nicer when I'm around him.

Maybe things would be okay after all.

I'm alive

Lots of stuff happened but good news- my wrist is better and I will be writing more.

Bad news- seasonal depression is kicking my ass- I'm working on it though- I have 3 therapy sessions a week now and lots of homework so updates are still going to be slow, but not as slow as they've been recently

I love you guys and make sure to take care of yourselves <33

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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SCP AU (Eyeless Jack x Hoodie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang