8. I Participate in a Jailbreak

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I sat in my cell, bored out of my mind.

That is, until, I heard screaming in the stairwell.

Then the door beeped, signaling it was unlocked.

I stood up, pulling my mask down over my face. I looked over to Masky and he had done the same thing. Something was happening.

I did not expect to see the boy I had become familiar with over the past two weeks, walk in covered in blood.

His hair had fallen over his eyes, though I could see blood leaking down his face and out of his mouth. In his hand he held a bloody knife and in the other was a key card.

He walked over to my cell carefully before feeling around for a second, eventually finding the small black box and swiping the keycard over it.

The room was dead silent as the beep echoed through it, signaling that Jack had unlocked the cell.

"Jack...what?" I couldn't think of anything else to say. Jack held out the key card to me.

"Unlock their doors for me, will you?" He said, blood dripping out of his mouth as he spoke. His teeth looked sharper than they normally did and were stained with blood. His skin had lost a lot of its color. He looked like he hadn't stepped outside in years.

I just nodded and grabbed the keycard, quickly swiping it over Masky's cell door and telling him to unlock the others.

I turned back to Jack. He was leaning against the bars of my cell. I approached him and put my hand on his shoulder, startling him.

"Holy shit-" he yelped, cutting himself off before he could say anymore.

"Jack, what the fuck happened? Why was there screaming? Why do you look different? Please tell me something," I practically begged him.

He just looked down, directing his gaze at his fingers. I went to brush the hair out of his face but the second my hand made contact with his skin he quickly grabbed my wrist, holding it in place with strength I didn't know he had.

"Don't," was all he said before releasing my wrist. I let it drop down to my side.

Masky came over and informed us that everyone was out.

"What do we do now?" He asked Jack. That was very unlike him, though I guess his negative view on Jack had changed slightly because he was the one helping us escape.

"We walk out," Jack shrugged.

"Sounds like a solid plan to me," I agreed. Me and Masky walked towards the door. When I noticed Jack wasn't next to us I looked back at him. He was slowly following along, running his hand along the bars of the now empty cells as if using it to guide him.

"Jack?" I asked. He tensed up when I said his name.

"What's up?"

"You're acting...weird," I said, walking back to where he was standing.

"Sorry," he said, continuing his slow walk to where the door was.

After a while, I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards it, not wanting to waste time we didn't have. He seemed a little startled when I grabbed his wrist, though didn't say anything about it.

"Jack, you work here, do you know where The Operator is being held?" Masky asked him as the two of us reached the doorway.

Jack seemed to think it over for a second.

"Yellow if he's easier to contain, red if he is harder to contain," Jack said, leaning on me slightly. His new, weird behavior was confusing to me, though now wasn't the time to address it. We could talk about it later.

"Red then. Me and Jeff will go get him. Kate and Jane, you two lead everyone out of here. We'll meet you beside the road. Slender will hopefully be able to teleport us far enough away," Masky said, slipping the lanyard around his neck. He motioned for Jeff to follow him before sprinting up the stairs.

"Alright, let's go," Kate said, the group following her up the stairs.

I stayed behind with Jack since he was still a bit slower. He was probably exhausted from whatever caused him to end up looking like that.

Eventually I just wrapped his arm around my shoulder and helped him up the stairs. He let out a quiet sigh of relief and we continued like that.

Once we were at the top of the stairs I looked at Jack and he looked ready to pass out.

"Want me to carry you the rest of the way? It shouldn't be that far," I suggested, pausing for a second.

"If you wouldn't mind," Jack said quietly. I just smiled at him and picked him up, continuing our trek out of the building.

Somehow, we didn't run into anyone. I guess we were lucky today.

It didn't take too long to find the street. Once we got there though, alarms started going off. The lights were red. I had been here long enough to know that meant that Jeff and Masky had succeeded in getting Slenderman out of containment.

In a quick flash of light, Slenderman appeared with Masky and Jeff by his side.

Masky looked over the small crowd of murderers in front of him, probably doing a quick headcount to make sure everyone got out.

"Alright, let's get going," Masky said.

In another flash of light, we were home.


I've rewritten this like- three times- and I still don't like how it turned out lmao

SCP AU (Eyeless Jack x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now