10. I'm now a Cannibal

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So apparently, going completely blind all of the sudden makes it hard to do stuff.

It took a while to get back into the hang of things. I made a few friends who kept walking me around the house, making sure I knew where everything was.

Toby liked to run around with me and teach me how to navigate the forest that surrounded the house. He would show me different weapons, trying to find the one that fit me best. I ended up with a scalpel. It was small but would get the job done.

Masky would just talk with me. It helped get my mind off what was happening. He would talk about some people's pasts, books he recently read, some medical articles that he occasionally stumbled upon, and more.

I also met BEN. He had been kept in a game cartridge at the facility and was excited he was able to freely cause chaos in the household once more. He talked to me about video games a lot and when he found out that I used to play horror games pretty often in college he was quick to pull out a large box filled with games. We usually end up sitting together while he plays his games. The only thing that is slightly annoying about it is the random loud noises used for the jumpscares. Since I can't see anything coming, it spooks me out more. It wasn't horrible though.

Hoodie and I hang out pretty often. He usually walks around the house with me, occasionally stopping and asking me what room we're in to see if I understand the layout. It took me a couple days of walking around but I pretty much have the hang of it by now.

Kate has started acting motherly towards me and treating me like her child, not in a bad way though. She would take me on walks outside and describe what things looked like, she would make sure I took care of myself and make sure I was alright in general.

I started going on missions. Not very often but occasionally. It would usually be Kate or Toby taking me on them, making sure I could travel to the house. I doubt I'll ever be able to go on solo missions considering I wouldn't be able to tell who my victim is or which residency is theirs. It's hard to think about. Some things I won't ever be able to do on my own.

I can't drive anymore, I can't take walks on my own, I can't read, I can't do missions, I can't watch tv, there are so many things I can't do it's eating away at me. After a while of living like this, I have figured out that all my senses are heightened, but that doesn't mean it's easy to do things. I bump into tables, I kick things that are left laying around, I trip over cords, I can't even go into Toby's room because of how many things are on the floor.

People help me though. Hoodie lets me hold onto his arm when we go on walks outside, Jane reads things out loud to me when I need to, even Jeff helps me train sometimes, teaching me tricks I could use so that I could kill someone quicker.

The only thing that's a major, immediate concern of mine is my diet. I had been supplied nutrients with an IV periodically when I first arrived due to my short stay in the mansion's med room, my first actual meal was about a week after my arrival to the killers home.

The meal consisted of some mashed potatoes, green beans, and what I assumed was chicken. It smelled slightly off to me but I didn't question it too much. I had taken about two bites of the potatoes before I was rushing to the bathroom to throw it up. In the end I figured it was just being nervous because of being in a new location and suddenly going blind.

I attempted to eat eggs the following morning, only to have the same reaction. At that point I was fairly certain something was wrong. A couple more attempts at eating proved I couldn't eat anything without throwing up. Someone named Skully, who was definitely interesting, to say the least, suggested that I had died after being stabbed and was now a ghost and incapable of eating because my body didn't need it.

SCP AU (Eyeless Jack x Hoodie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon