4. I Meet Some Serial Killers

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I was in my room cleaning myself up. I definitely shouldn't have tried to be super cool and throw myself out of a window, but it's too late to undo what has already been done. Besides, I can now check it off of my bucket list.

I changed into some different clothes that the ones I was wearing when I first got here. I slipped on a plain black hoodie and black pants and placed my lanyard back around my neck. Yeah I was going to be stealthy for the rest of the day.

Wow. I really need to stop watching so many action movies. It's getting out of hand at this point.

I had my hoodie sleeves pushed up so I could wrap my arms in bandages. There were too many cuts to be able to use the tiny band-aids so I just used long rolls of bandages instead. It worked out in the end I guess. My chest had less cuts on it so I just settled for taping gauze over the more serious ones.

I didn't bother pulling the sleeves of my hoodie back down, mostly because it hurt like hell.

I strolled out of my room, shoving my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. I guess I get to keep wandering around? I'm not really sure what to do honestly. I don't start working until tomorrow. Maybe I can look at some of the creatures in the green building. Okay, that sounds like a good enough idea.

I went down the elevator, stepping out on the first floor. No one paid attention to me, so I didn't bother paying attention to them. So it was entirely their fault when I accidentally ran into someone.

"Watch where you're walking next time, dumbass," They said before walking off.

Damn, rude much? I didn't even say anything.

I continued my journey back to the green building, wondering what serious injuries I could collect this time. Maybe I would lose a finger? Maybe a toe? Who knows.

Since I wasn't in a rush this time, I was able to examine the exterior of the building more. The doors were made out of tinted glass, making it impossible to see in. Above the doors was a sign that said 'Secure. Contain. Protect.' in bold white letters. I'm assuming that's what SCP stands for. This situation was honestly more absurd than I originally thought. Hell, I haven't even been here for a day and half my body is covered in bandages.

Just a few years though. I only need to make it through a few years, finish residency, then get the fuck out of here and work at a normal place. A hospital, where I can help people, and not jump out of windows.

Yeah that sounds like a solid plan.

I wandered into the green building. It was pretty bland on the inside. There wasn't anything on the walls except various signs and arrows. I took a couple random turns, examining some of the things I could see. Surprise, surprise, it wasn't much.

All of the things I assumed contained the creatures were made out of the same tinted glass used for all the windows, which prevented me from seeing inside them. There were doors along the hallway, each having a different number printed on them. Some of the doors had other words on them such as 'Notice', 'Caution', and 'Danger'.

I eventually found myself at the entrance to the stairwell that I jumped out of. I wanted to know how the window was doing. I entered the stairwell, glancing behind me quickly due to anxiety. When I confirmed there was nothing behind me, I redirected my attention to the window. It had caution tape across it, though there were no shards of glass on the ground.

I look up, then down. I was technically allowed in the entire building, so I really could go anywhere I wanted. I decided on going down. In all honesty, I always liked the idea of being underground.

I quickly walked down the stairs, my footsteps echoing in the enclosed area. I ended up going down a couple flights of stairs before there was another door, which was weird because usually there's one on every other landing.

SCP AU (Eyeless Jack x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now