7. My Boss Doesn't Like Me

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I had been here for a couple weeks.

It wasn't as bad as I initially assumed. I spent most of my time hanging out around Ron, Blake, and Adora. They were all pretty nice to me and we quickly became friends. I would go down to the basement a lot to hand out meds to different people, Toby receiving most of them. Me and Hoodie would chat every time I came down, Jeff even stopped yelling death threats at me every time he saw me.

Howard, on the other hand, was a slightly different story. Despite the friendly vibes I initially got off the guy, he was slightly hostile towards me. He would send dirty looks my way, or make rude remarks, or talk down on me in general. He would go out of his way to point out something I did wrong or try to embarrass me in front of an audience.

Now, he had called me down to his office for a 'chat'. I wasn't really fond of the idea of chatting with him, but I couldn't exactly tell him no. He was technically my boss.

I wasn't wearing my uniform today so I was slightly more comfortable. I used my off days to clean my uniforms so I wouldn't be wearing a dirty one all the time.

I entered the office, sitting down at the chair that was across the desk from his own. He wasn't in here yet so I just sat there and fidgeted with my fingers.

It took him at least ten minutes to finally show up. That frustrated me. It's usually considered rude to be late to your own meeting.

"Jack," he greeted as he entered the room.

"Howard," I replied, doing my best to avoid venom leaking into my voice.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about the time you spend in the basement."

That made me freeze. Did he know I befriended some of the people down there?

"What do you think of them?" He asked me, folding his hands together and leaning forward so his elbows rested on his desk. He stared intensely at me.

"I don't really talk to them. I just give them their meds and go back upstairs," I said, shrugging. He definitely knew, though I would still do my best to deny it.

"Do you think that giving a few inmates their medication truly takes over half an hour?" He asked, "You know I have access to see what doors you opened with your card and when you did it, correct?"

I looked down at my lap. I was absolutely screwed.

"Do you have any association with him?" Howard asked, anger obvious in his voice as he reached into one of his drawers.

"With who?"

"The man with many names. Some call him The Operator, others call him Slenderman. I want you to tell me if you are associated with him," Howard moved his hand out of the drawer, revealing a knife clenched in his fist. "Think carefully about your answer."

I slowly stood up, backing away from the desk. "I don't even know who that is, I swear."

"Liar," Howard growled, moving around his desk so that he was standing directly in front of me. "I know you're working for him. You're planning to do something, aren't you? Set him free?"

I shook my head, taking another step away from the man.

That seemed to make Howard snap.

"I've never liked you anyways," Howard sneered. That fucking hurt. I know I wasn't the most fond of him, but it hurts when the person you work for was standing six feet away from you, holding a knife out towards you, ready to kill you at any moment.

"You really should rethink this," I urged him. I know it was a long shot and that he probably wouldn't believe me, though I still attempted to convince him.

"Trust me, I've thought about it almost every night since you attacked those guards," he said, "You're too dangerous to work here, so I'll be doing everyone a favor by getting rid of you."

I attempted to step back, though I hit the wall of the office. He approached me, brandishing the knife out towards me.

"Got any words you want on your headstone?" Howard taunted.

"Yeah, how about, fuck you," I said, then lauched myself at him. Apparently that took him by surprise, causing his reaction time to slow drastically. It wasn't enough though, because he managed to leave me with a nasty gash on my shoulder. The cut stung, though the pain was dampened by the adrenaline flooding my body and mind.

At this point, I knew that there was no way both of us would get out alive. It was me or him, and I was going to make sure he wouldn't be the one walking away from this.

I grabbed onto the knife, wrestling it away from him and throwing it off to the side, far out of reach.

"You bastard," he growled.

I moved my hands around his neck, cutting off his airway and beginning to choke him. He was gasping for air, clawing at my face to try and distract me.

A smile that could only be described as evil slowly fell across his face. He looked into my eyes.

"Such a shame the last person you'll make eye contact with will be me," he gasped out.

Then, he dug his thumbs into the inner corners of my eyes and yanked as hard as he could. I yelled out in pain, rolling off of him as he coughed and wheezed, trying to get oxygen circulating through his lungs once more.

I covered my eyes with one hand as I sat up, gritting my teeth in pain. I couldn't tell if he actually succeeded, though either way, I knew I was experiencing blindness. Even after I removed my hand the world remained dark.

I didn't get time to figure anything out though, because a knife was already run through my stomach.

"I hope you rot," Howard said, a grin obvious in his voice despite not being able to see him.

"Fuck you," I managed to gasp out. If I couldn't get out of this alive, he wouldn't either. I pulled the knife out of my own stomach and launched myself in the direction of his voice, stabbing him when I felt our bodies connect.

I stayed there on top of him, my hand on the knife. I waited for a while until I heard his already fading breath finally stop.

I felt around his body, grabbing his key card out of his pocket and removing the knife from his body before shakily standing up. I should be dead right now. It should be impossible for me to be alive. I didn't spend too much time thinking about it. The pain in my stomach was slowly fading, though my eyes still burned and I couldn't see anything. Despite the millions of thoughts that ran through my brain at that moment, one thing was clear. I didn't know how I was going to do it but I had to get to Hoodie. No one down there was safe, and I would be getting them out.

I felt my way around the office, eventually opening the door that led outside. I did my best to trust my memory to lead me to where the green building was. Miraculously, I made it there without any complications or run-ins with other people.

I felt around the door for a second before swiping the card over the lock, the beep confirming the door was open.

I then began feeling my way down the hall, navigating my way to the basement.

ngl I don't rlly like how this chapter came out 💀

anyways- I'm switching to online school because of extensive bullying so that means quicker updates

take care <333

SCP AU (Eyeless Jack x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now