1. I Actually Graduate

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Started- 10/5/2022


"Jackson Nichols!" My name echoed throughout the auditorium.

It was finally the day of my graduation and I couldn't be more excited.

I've, surprisingly, always disliked school. The stress, the exams, the homework, the studying, I've hated all of it.

Though despite my strong disliking of school, I still find myself walking across the stage of a dimly lit auditorium after completing med school at 22 years old.

I don't know exactly how I did it, but I used my hatred towards school to motivate me. I managed to get a bachelor's degree at the same time I graduated high school. Lots of dual enrollment, excessive summer school, and a shit ton of online classes, and then I was on my way. I got into med school after graduating and now here I was, four years later.

It worked out well for me in the end.

The boots I was wearing made faint, hollow sounding footsteps as I crossed the stage.

"Good job Jack, I'm proud of you," The headmaster whispered to me as he handed me the paper I worked my ass off to get. I smiled at him and nodded, accepting the thin slice of dead tree with ink on it, then walking across the other half of the stage.

I walked down the stairs, careful not to trip on my gown. Once I got to the bottom, I was yanked off to the side.

"You crazy little shit you actually did it!" Someone whisper-yelled at me. I laughed with them and a few other people joined in.

Of course it wasn't a groundbreaking thing I did, I wasn't even close to being the youngest person to graduate med school. That didn't mean it wasn't super fucking cool though.

I received a few more congratulations before making my way over to sit next to Jenny. Me and her had been close friends for a while, mostly because of how close we were in age, though we also had just clicked the first time we met.

I had been doing a late night study session in the library when she came in and sat down next to me, starting up a conversation. That was two years ago now.

"Congrats Jack," She said to me, a smile on her face as she held her own slice of dead tree in her arms.

"Congrats to you too, Jenny," I returned the smile, "Thanks for putting up with my tired ass during our study sessions."

She laughed lightly before returning her attention back to the stage to watch the other graduates receive their certificates.

Greg came and sat by us after he had been given his own dead tree slice. A few more of the friends I had made eventually made their way over to us.

I was happy, elated, over the moon.

I had graduated medical school and was surrounded by the friends I had made throughout the years. There was nothing that could go wrong. I was ready to take on any challenge that came my way.

"Hey Jack," Someone from the row behind me leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Do you know where you're going for residency?"

Oh shit.


Got that first chapter out- how we feeling bout this so far?

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