14. I Think Everyone Cries

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Jack wasn't sure what he should do.

The house was pretty quiet.

Both Masky and Hoodie were out on a mission, leaving Jack to wander around without much of a purpose. He had adjusted to the layout of the house, but decided on double checking his skills by going around, and finding random objects. He was about 50 percent successful. Jack had found the vase of dead flowers by the entryway, though accidentally ran into a table that had been moved a bit, causing him to fall into Jeff. They ended up having a small scuffle.

Jack ended up sitting on the couch the rest of the time.

About an hour later the two men arrived home. Jack could smell pine and dirt on them, along with a strong scent of iron. He guessed their mission included killing someone instead of just scaring them.

"Welcome home," Jack said, rising from his position on the couch and stretching his arms above his head. "How'd it go?"

Hoodie groaned before answering. "It was supposed to be easy, but the guy we were going for pulled a gun on us and complicated everything."

Jack winced in sympathy.

"Quit whining, it was easy enough," Masky said. It was obvious he was annoyed. Something else was off but Jack couldn't figure it out.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Hoodie replied. Jack heard his footsteps move towards the kitchen and he was quick to follow him. Masky was behind them, his footsteps louder than normal.

Jack tried to focus more on him. Masky's breathing was also a bit heavier than usual. Maybe it was from wearing his mask for a long time though. There was a different smell to him, or maybe a lack of one? Jack wasn't sure.

Hoodie opened the fridge while Jack pulled a glass out of the cupboard and got himself some water. The pantry door was pulled open by Masky, though slammed shortly after.

"All out of rice. We need to either get more or find something other than fried rice to cook for dinner tomorrow," Masky said. It was obvious he was growing irritable. That's when it hit Jack.

"You've been taking your meds, right?" He asked as he leaned against the counter.

"Of course I have. I'm not going to forget something as stupid as that."

"You sure? You seem a bit off," Hoodie chimed in, closing the fridge door and setting a plastic container on the counter.

"Yes I'm sure," he sneered in reply.

Jack heard a pair of footsteps approaching and recognized them as Toby.

"Masky, I found something really cool," Toby sounded excited. Toby being excited would usually be okay, but if Masky wasn't taking his meds then there probably wouldn't be a good outcome to this.

"Why don't you show me instead?" Jack suggested, trying to avoid having Toby pester Masky.

"It's mostly recordings and you can't see," Toby pointed out. Jack heard someone fall into a chair and figured it was Masky. A hesitant pair of footsteps started to approach him, though stopped before advancing too far.

"You can show them to him later. We're talking about important things right now," Hoodie said. It was another attempt to get Toby to stop.

"Why not now? It won't take that long."

"Because I don't want to talk to you right now," Masky replied shortly.

"It'll be really quick, I promise," Toby said after a short pause.

"Fuck off."

"Toby, I don't think now is a good time," Hoodie said.

"But it really won't take that long, please?" He begged.

SCP AU (Eyeless Jack x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now