6. I Wear the Forbidden Bracelets

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I woke up handcuffed in Howard's office.

I sat up groggily and tried to lift my hand to rub my eyes, only to realize they were connected by a pair of unsettling silver bracelets. I scowled at them before looking at Howard.

"...the fuck?" I said, confusion obvious in my voice. This caused the man before me to look up at me.

"Oh Jack! It's great to see you awake. We have a lot to discuss," He said, shuffling a few papers around and adjusting his glasses.

"Why am I handcuffed?"

"Safety measures," Howard replied, waving his hand to dismiss the question.

"Why though?"

Howard looked at me closer, slightly leaning across his desk to do so.

"That taser must have really screwed with your head, huh?" He said before leaning back.

"Taser?" I asked, suddenly very alarmed.

"You got tased after attacking one of the guards," He informed me, going back to shuffling through his papers.

"I never attacked any guards," I said. I wouldn't attack anyone. Not without good reason to at least.

"Look, it's okay if you did, I can understand being scared after seeing the creatures we keep here. Though I am obliged to reassure you that nothing here will hurt you."

"Nothing here will hurt me?" I questioned, looking down at my bandaged arms. Howard followed my gaze.

"Apart from yourself, that is," he amended.

"Wait I promise these aren't self-inflicted, I just-" Howard cut me off with another wave of his hand.

"As I am concerned about your mental health, I trust you to come to me if you feel like resorting to that. If you say you aren't harming yourself though, I will choose to believe you."

I scowled. 'Choose to believe you'. I can figure out a lie when it's that obvious.

"I'm letting you go back to your room for now. If you feel unsafe at any moment, please do not hesitate to call for me. There's a medical button in each room linking directly to my office. Just hold it down and talk into the speaker. I'll do my best to assist you in any way possible," Howard said, picking up a pen and starting to write things down on a paper.

It was obvious the meeting was over.

"What about the handcuffs?"

He examined my wrists.

"Yes, I do suppose that would provide a slight inconvenience. The keys are on the corner of the desk," he returned to his work.

Wow, I feel so wanted here.

I didn't say a word as I grabbed the keys of his desk and left, slightly hunching over. He really expected me to undo the handcuffs myself.

I pushed the elevator button and waited for a short while before a ding sounded throughout the room, the doors of the elevator opening a second later.

I stepped inside and sighed. I wasn't too sure I would be able to survive working here. It's literally my first day and I've been accused of assault. What bullshit.

Once I was in my room I flopped down onto my bed.

I couldn't wait to sleep.

Waking up in the morning was anything but peaceful. Dreams about death haunted me as I slept, and now I woke up to an alarm blaring next to my head.

To say I was upset was putting it mildly.

I looked at the alarm, smacking the top of it to make it shut up. There was a paper tucked partially under the annoying device. I grabbed the dead tree and held it close to my face so I could read it through my blurry morning eyes.

'Hello Jack!

I would like to ask you to please wear your uniform today as it will be your first day working.

We have put a couple uniforms in your closet in the size you submitted during your application. It will be a pleasure working with you today.

Thank you for your time,


He probably had to sneak into my room while I was asleep to leave that note. I didn't like that thought at all.

I opened the closet and looked through it. It had multiple copies of the same, white uniform, just as the note had said. I just grabbed a random one and threw it on, discarding the clothes I had slept in onto the floor. I would clean those up later.

After getting dressed, I tucked my lanyard into one of my pockets and pulled the visor of my helmet down. It was surprisingly easy to see out of. I was curious about how people knew who was who, though it didn't take me long to spot the tag on the sleeve of my uniform displaying my last name.

I headed to Howard's office, unsure about where to go. Luckily for me, Howard was in his office when I got there.

I stood awkwardly in the doorway, staring at him. It took him a while to notice me, though when he did he immediately greeted me.

"Oh hello Jack! I see you got my note. You're needing directions on where you're going, correct?" He said, putting the papers that were in his hand down as he approached me.

I nodded, non-verbally saying yes to his previous question.

"Right then. So what you're going to do is head to the green building, then turn left into the third hallway you see. After that, go into the room three doors down on the right side. It should be labeled 'Med Breakroom'. Just do what you're told and that's pretty much all there is to it," Howard explained.

I repeated the directions in my head before nodding, waving a silent goodbye to Howard as I left the room.

I got to the break room with no complications, swiping my card in order to enter the room. I waited for the beep before entering.

There was a table in the middle of the room, surrounded by maybe a dozen or so chairs. A minifridge sat in the corner, along with a trashcan next to it. The trashcan looked like it was just about overflowing with garbage.

Three people were sitting around the table, all of them wearing the same white uniform I was, though with different names printed on their sleeves. One of them turned their head towards me as I approached them.

"You're Jack, right?" One of the people asked, standing up and approaching me. I nodded in confirmation and they stuck their hand out.

"I'm Ronald, it's nice to meet you. The one sitting in the chair closest to the fridge is Blake and the other one is Adora," He said, a smile obvious in his voice. The other two greeted me before returning to their previous conversation.

"This is going to be our team for today. Essentially, we check up on documents if some of the staff here, distributing meds to them as needed. Sometimes we send people downstairs to administer medication, but other than that, we stay here until we receive a call telling us we are needed," Ronald explained. That made sense.

"By downstairs, you mean the basement, right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, have you been down there?" He asked me, surprisingly not in an agressive way.

"Once, yeah. I know the way down there though," I confirmed.

He looked back at the other two people before returning his attention to me.

"Do you want to administer meds today then?"

SCP AU (Eyeless Jack x Hoodie)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora