A/N (not that important)

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Sorry I haven't been updating- I could spew some random bullshit and say I have family drama going on or that I'm having a writers block- but in all honesty it's because of pokemon

I started hyperfixating on pokemon (again) and it has consumed my life- I wake up and think pokemon- I'm eating dinner and I think pokemon- I'm with my grandma and I think pokemon- I brush my teeth and I think pokemon

It wouldn't be that big of an issue but I've been spending almost every hour of my day watching pokemon movies or a series and its kinda interfering with writing 

I'm not done with this story and I'm going to work on a chapter tonight-

But right now it's a fight between adhd and me

and adhd is winning

and thanks for putting up with my story so far- I'm probably going to go back through and add some filler chapters that'll be labeled .5 once I finish- just to make it flow a bit better- 

alright take care of yourself

love ya <3

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