12. I Need More Sleep

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I had the unfortunate pleasure of having Masky as my roommate.

Something about us being friends and being familiar with each other.

I think it's bullshit.

Just because I'm friends with the guy doesn't mean I want to share a room with him.

I think there might be a hidden purpose behind The Operators orders though. He doesn't usually make decisions based on who is friends with who, but rather who would benefit from who.

I've known Tim longer than anyone here, which also means I know how to help him when he has episodes.

Like last night.

I stayed up for hours after leaving the kitchen in order to counsel Masky while he broke down.

I wish I got more sleep though.

I stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen. Jack was sleeping with his head in his arms at the kitchen table, oblivious to all the noise that was coming from around him as other residents prepared breakfast.

Somehow, Tim was wide awake. He was helping Sally pour a glass of orange juice while Toby sat on the counter next to the two.

"Can we have the good pancakes today?" Sally asked with hopeful eyes.

"Oh yeah, it's fine, don't mind me, I'll just be in the bathroom after breakfast, throwing my guts up," Toby said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh, I forgot you're stomach is a pussy," Sally shrugged. No one bothered correcting her on her language. She's technically older than most of the residents anyways. The only reason was still childlike was because she died at such a young age.

"You little-" Toby hissed at her.

"Toby," Masky warned, putting the orange juice bottle in the fridge and handing Sally her glass. Sally just stuck her tongue out at Toby and walked off to the living room with her juice, joining BEN on the couch as the two of them watched some random crime show.

"She's always doing that," Toby whined. "There is no way she can just 'forget' every single day. She's definitely mocking me."

"I mean, she's right. Your stomach is a pussy," Masky shrugged as he put some random lumps of dough in the oven.

"Oh yeah? How would you like it if I force fed you diary? You would enjoy the crippling stomach cramps? Yeah?" Toby sneered at him.

"Don't bring my allergies into this. You're the one who can't handle eating gluten," Masky rolled his eyes, leaning against the counter opposite of where Toby was. He crossed his arms and stared the teen down.

Shortly after Toby got here, it was obvious he was underweight. Before, no one really paid attention to the fact he should have been hospitalized because of his weight. He had been having an allergic reaction to almost every single meal he ate, making it so he never ended up digesting his food. It's crazy how he was still even alive. The fact that he could have an allergy never crossed anyone's mind, especially an allergy to something as common as gluten.

He was here for about a day before I took notice of his reaction and talked to Tim and The Operator about it. Tim suggested he could have an allergy and the next few meals we made without certain ingredients that most commonly trigger a reaction. The only one he didn't have a reaction to was gluten. He was definitely relieved when he found out he would be able to actually eat a meal without losing it shortly after.

"Imagine being allergic to something," Jack said from his spot at the table with a yawn. He stretched his arms over his head before dropping them back down to the table in order to push himself into a standing position.

"Says the person who can't eat anything," Masky taunted. "I don't even know how the fuck you're still alive right now."

I stayed quiet. Last night had included an awkward conversation about how Jack had been waking up in the middle of the night so he could eat. It was rather uncomfortable. Not because he was eating people, but because Jeff kept making suggestive comments about his diet, all of which Jack turned into insults towards Jeff.

"Technically, I'm not a human," Jack shrugged as he went over to the counter and hopped up onto it.

"Technically I'm not a human," Tim mocked.

"I will castrate you," Jack threatened, narrowing his eyelids.

"All I have to do is climb a random tree and you'll never find me. It's hard to see me when you can't see, isn't it?" Masky retorted.

"You reek of cigarettes, I could smell you from five miles away."

"Can you guys just shut up? You're giving me a headache," I groaned.

"Of course, of course. Wouldn't want to hurt the princesses ears, would we?" Masky teased.

"Actually Jack, I'm all in favor of you castrating him. I'll go get the sedatives."

"Woah woah, we can talk about this," Masky said as he raised his hands in mock surrender.

The conversation died down from there. Jack sat on the counter, sipping water and looking like he was deep in thought. Masky pulled biscuits out of the oven and set them on the countertop to dry. I was sitting at the table, bored out of my fucking mind.

"I think murdering someone would be rather theraputic right now. Or maybe a nap. Murder or a nap, such a hard decision," I sighed.

"Why would you want a nap?" Tim scoffed.

"Because a certain someone got shot and decided to have a fucking mental breakdown and keep me up until early morning," I said, glaring at the masked man.

"Not my fault that-"

"Yes, it is your fault."

Tim just rolled his eyes and walked out of the kitchen.

"Someones grouchy," Jack remarked.

"I can still fucking here you!" Masky yelled from the living room.


"You have five seconds before you're dead," Tim said as he entered the kitchen once more.

"You're really going to pick on a blind guy?" Jack asked, sliding off the counter.


"No wonder you can't get any bitches," he said before sprinting out of the room, Tim hot on his trail.

I put the biscuits in the bowl and covered them with a towel to help keep them slightly warm.

"Sally, biscuits are ready if you want some!" I called before heading upstairs. I was kind of curious to see how this would play out.


Making it so Toby can't eat waffles because I'm just like that

(technically he can but it's just more expensive and takes more effort)

SCP AU (Eyeless Jack x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now