2. My New Fruity Coworkers

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Two weeks.

It took two weeks of research and applications to figure out where I was going next.

The answer?

A sketchy research facility in the middle of Michigan.

If that sounded suspicious, the trip there was even worse.

I had spent four days straight in my car, driving to Lansing, Michigan. It was the capital of the state and an interesting place with many cool places to explore, but I wasn't able to stay long.

I drove straight north from there for about another hour.

The worst thing about the research establishment though?

The closest building to it was 20 miles away.

If that wasn't sketchy as hell, I don't know what is.

I couldn't complain though. I got to complete my residency while making 80k a year. Which is a strangely large amount for the position I was in, but when you make that much it's not worth it to ask questions. Accept the money, do what they tell you, if you see any drugs, the police don't have to know.

I never liked the police anyways.

It took me a while, though eventually I reached my destination. There was a decent amount of forest surrounding the building. The building itself was actually five buildings, all appearing to surround a courtyard, though I wasn't entirely sure.

I parked in an employee lot, grabbing my bag that contained an assortment of items as I left my car. In my bag were some letters, medical tools, pictures, my wallet with id, and other things.

There was a building located directly in front of the parking lot. I wasn't quite sure what it was, though due to the apparent lack of keys needed to enter, I assumed it was where I was supposed to be going.

As I approached them, the doors of the building slid open, revealing a lady sitting behind a desk. It was an abnormally tall desk.

I approached the desk cautiously. It looked like a normal registration room. There were chairs around the edges of the room and some short tables near the chairs.

The lady sitting at the desk looked up at me.

"Aren't you rather young to be here?" She asked me, her voice monotone though trace amounts of confusion could be detected in it.

"Am I?" I asked, extremely confused. I mean, what if there was some sort of age limit to entering sketchy buildings in the middle of nowhere?

Eh, if they don't like it, they can kill me for all I care.

Wait actually I hope they don't kill me.

I think there was something mentioned about no weapons in the campus though. That was probably a good sign. I hope.

A beep sounded throughout the relatively empty room and a door in the back corner, past the registration desk, swung open.

The person walking out wore all black, a bulletproof vest with a long sleeve shirt under it, elbow and knee pads, an all black helmet that prevented their face from being seen, and cargo pants with various tools attached to it. Not normal tools though. It had things from knives to tasers. On the person's shoulder sat a gun that looked like it was some sort of rifle.

Okay maybe I misread the 'no weapons on campus' part of the letter.

"Oh one second dear," the lady said to me, then turned to the person who just entered. "Darling I told you that you weren't allowed to be up here during your shift."

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