Snapping out of what ever it was that had her acting like a fool, Abby threw herself on Steven and begged for forgiveness. Steven pulled her hands off his body and walked away.

In the other room, Steven tried really hard to calm down, the severity of the way Abby was acting had him thinking of many things. Leaving her will never be an option, however, he thought, something had to be done before it effects their relationship.

"You don't love me anymore?" Abby asked, as tears streamed down her face.

"You know that's not true," Steven answered, as calmly as he could, "but I do want you to take a step back and look at yourself. You are a very beautiful woman and I'm crazy in love with you and you have absolutely nothing to worry about, I will never leave you again Abby, haven't I sworn this to you many times over?"

Abby nodded, and a rivulet of tears rolled down her face, "I don't know what's wrong with me Steven, I feel ugly and unloved, unworthy to be your wife and mother to my beautiful children."

Immediately Steven took this opportunity to ask, "Would you like to go visit our daughter?"

"No! No! No!" She screamed and ran to the bathroom and locked herself in there. Steven stood frozen and tried but did not succeed to stop the angry tears that rolled down his face. He wasn't angry at her, he was angry at the life they could have had before this postpartum depression kicked in.

He vowed that day to do whatever it took to make her well and bring his Abby back to him. It was the only thing he cared about besides his precious children.


"You're spending too much time outside the home and not enough time with me and our daughter!" Jeff complained, "do we mean anything to you anymore Claire?"

Claire would have brushed off his words with a roll of her eyes, but for the  hurt she saw in his eyes, "No one and nothing is more important than you and our daughter Jeff, and you know that, so can you please stop!"

"Fine, tomorrow I took the day off work so we can take our daughter to the zoo, it will be a lovely day and ...."

"I can't I have to help Steven with Abby."

"Then I'll go myself with my daughter!" Jeff said angrily, and walked out on Claire.

"That's not fair Jeff!" Claire chased after her husband, "Abby is sick and she needs help!"

"Blah blah blah!" Jeff blurted out before he slammed the door in Claire's face.


"Daddy I miss mommy when can I see her?" Stephan asked, "and I still haven't seen my baby sister!"

"You will as soon as the both of them are feeling better," Steven explained.

"Me and grandma prayed for them last night daddy," Stephan said in that sweet tone of his.

Steven looked at Jennifer and saw the tears gliding down her face, "Prayer is good, mommy and your little sister ......."

"I'm going out to play now daddy, see you later!"

Steven smiled, as he watched his son run outside in the back yard. He couldn't remember when he himself was so young, sweet and innocent. His life had been a rollercoaster ride ever since he entered high school.

He dreamed of a quiet life, with peace and tranquility , and Abby and his two children by his side. Living in a small quiet town or village enjoying the simple things in life.

"Steven." George said, as he sat himself down next to Steven at the kitchen table.

He pulled himself out of his deep thoughts and looked at George, "Good morning." Steven said, "how's it going?"

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant