Chapter 30 ( The Nightmare )

Start from the beginning

Santhosh : No Priya .

Priya : Santhosh , Roja is pregnant and Arjun is caring for her . Their love is increasing every second . Arjun is expecting his baby .

Santhosh : So ? .

Priya : Targeting Arjun personally isn't good , we should target Roja too .

Sham and Santhosh were clueless......

Sham : What do you mean Priya ? .

Priya : It's simple Sham . Let's separate them .

Sham : But how ? .

Priya : Arjun is hiding a secret from Roja . You know that ? .

Sham :  What secret ? .

Priya : He had loved a girl from his childhood .

Sham and Santhosh were stunned......

Santhosh : Is that true ? .

Priya : Yes . But he doesn't even know her name . He admired her from far away . But do you know who's that girl ? .

Sham : Who ? .

Priya : It's none other than his wife Roja !  .

Sham and Santhosh were awestruck.....

Santhosh : But , how come Arjun isn't aware of it ? .

Priya : Cause Arjun doesn't even know her name and also  , Roja was little chubby during her school days , now she became thin . So he can't identify her properly . But he always feels a connection with her .

Sham : But how do you know all these ? .

Priya : I was also studying in their school . But look at them , now they both are married and are expecting their child .

Sham : Hey , but how did you know that they loved each other and are ready to propose ? . Because you told me to remain quite and not indulge in a fight with Arjun before Arjun's award function as they proposed each other and would stand for each other .

Priya : Because I was the one who was following them during their Ooty trip,  I threatened Arjun to harm him , but as i expected he wasn't scared . But my motive was to create a rift between Arjun and Roja as I know Arjun would not tell that someone had threatened him  to Roja as it keeps her tensed . But I found Arjun's diary . He had written a note to his first love which is Roja  , which he doesn't know....

      Dear , Sweetheart ,
( He refers his first love as sweetheart as he doesn't know her name.......)

  I had been trying to forget you and move on with my wife . But at the beginning , it was quite impossible for me . But I started falling for Roja and I admit it . I love Roja more than anything else and today I have decided to propose her .I don't want to leave my Roja . I can't afford to lose her . I love Roja , only my Roja . Hope you too love someone like my Roja loves me and being loved by someone like I love Roja . ❤ 

                                Roja's Arjun.......

Sham : You are brilliant Priya ! .

Priya : Thank you Sham .

Sham : But how to separate them ? . Arjun's first love is Roja only right ? . How does that help us to separate them ? .

Priya : Wait and see.....


Arjun : Roja , please don't do this .

Roja : Enough of cheating me ! . I'm tired . I don't want to live with you anymore ! .

Roja packs her bags and turns to leave . Arjun holds her hand......

Arjun : Roja , you are my life . Don't go away from me ! . You are carrying our world in your womb . Don't get separated from me and don't keep me away from my child .

Roja : Even our.....sorry my child , also doesn't wants you .

Saying so she jerks her hand from his grip and leaves him in tears......

Arjun wakes up from his dream screaming Roja's name . Roja woke up and caressed his back . He immediately hugged her and shed tears on her shoulder . Roja was clueless of his actions......

Roja : Arjun , what happened ? . Why did you shout my name and woke up ? . Any nightmare ? .

Arjun : Yes , actually.......

She paused him and said......

Roja : Shall I say ? . You got a dream , that......I would get separated from you .

Arjun was stunned......

Arjun : How do you know ? .

She smiled and replied......

Roja : Because I'm your wife ! . I will never leave you . Now come and sleep .

Arjun laid on her lap and she kissed his forhead caressing his hair .

Will Arjun's nightmare turn true or will Roja stand by him ? .



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