Chapter 20 ( Different attitude ?)

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Author's POV :
( Conversation continues )
Roja : That crook did not changed his character yet ? .
Arjun : No , and he will never change . I will surely sentence him to loss and he will be punished . You just......
( Arjun says a plan to Roja which will be revealed later . )

Arjun drops Roja at her company and decides to go , just then he stops the car and runs behind her . He helds her hand and looked at her injured wrist . His face turns pale . He tells her.....
Arjun : Take care , if you need anything you can call me .
Roja : Thank you .
Arjun : No , that's ok . You have my phone number right ? .
Roja : Yeah I know .
Arjun : Ok bye .
Roja : Bye .
Both Arjun and Roja go to their respective company and start to work . However , Arjun's mind wasn't in work . He couldn't concentrate . That's when Naveen entered his cabin and called out.....
Naveen : Arjun sir.....
Arjun didn't react , again Naveen called him little loudly......
Naveen : Arjun sir........
That's when Arjun regained his senses . He reacted......
Arjun : Yeah Naveen .
Naveen : Sir , you seem to be lost , any problem ? .
Arjun explained the incident about how Roja saved him from getting stabbed . Arjun continues to speak......
Arjun : She would be fine right ? . I hope she isn't facing any trouble , she would have had her lunch right ? . She would have taken her tablets right ? .
Naveen laughs at it which irkes Arjun . He angrily questions Naveen......
Arjun : Am I cracking a joke ? . What's there to laugh in it ? .
Naveen : It's not a joke sir , I am not laughing at Roja madam's care towards you , I am laughing cause you never thought so much even about your first love . On top of that , only she knows answers to your questions . Why don't you call Roja madam ? .
Arjun : Won't she misunderstand me if I call her now ? . Though its lunch break , won't she feel disturbed ? .
Naveen : Sir , why don't you try ?.Madam loves you soo much , she will surely pick the call .
Arjun : Fine I will give it a try .
Arjun calls Varun , who gives Bhoomika number . He takes Roja's office number from Bhoomika since she did not pick from her personal phone and calls the office . The receptionist connects it to the MD. Someone picks the call , and replies with a slight change in tone , attitude . The voice spoke.......

MD of "Elegant Entrepreneur" here , who's speaking ? .

Arjun was stunned . The voice resembles Roja's voice which was innocent , at the same time the voice was loud and bold . He changed his voice and spoke......

May I know who is speaking ? . I mean who's the Managing Director ? .

The voice replied........
By the way , you have dialed my professional number , you should know who am I . Anyways I am Roja , the entrepreneur of " Elegant Entrepreneur ".

Arjun cuts the call , making Roja clueless and called Bhoomika . He asked her......

Arjun : Bhoomika , what happened to your friend , why she is behaving weird ? . Her voice , her attitude everything is different than how she usually behaves with me ? .
Bhoomika : Did she know the person speaking was you ? .
Arjun : No .
Bhoomika : That's Roja's real character .
Arjun did not understand what Bhoomika told .
Arjun : I did not understand , what do you mean Bhoomika ? .
Bhoomika : She has changed herself for you Arjun .
Arjun : Can you explain ? . What do you really mean ? .
Bhoomika : She can't avoid you like you avoid her , she can't hate you like you hate her , she can't hurt you just like you behave with her. She is a professional businesswoman just like you , but only for you , her family and your family she hides her real character who is proud , self centered character.
Arjun : Thank you for informing me Bhoomika .
Bhoomika : You are welcome Arjun .

Arjun , Naveen and Varun are involved in a conversation at a Cafe shop . It's about Roja.....
Arjun : Roja is really a good girl , I think I misunderstood her .
Varun : Macha seriously , you are an unpredictable man da ! . We really can't understand you . At one point of time you say she isn't suitable for you and selfish , at another point of time you have so many positive opinions on her .
Saying so , Varun started drinking his coffee .
Arjun : I agree that I had hated her once upon a time , but she isn't bad . I don't is it affection , infatuation.......or.........
Naveen : Love , am I right sir ? .
Arjun blushed.......
Naveen : Oh , my boss Arjun sir is now a Kadhal mannan (Romeo) .
Arjun : Stop teasing me Naveen .
Naveen : Ok ok sir , but you look so adorable while blushing . Sir if you don't mind , can I give you an advice ? .
Arjun : Hey , why do you ask permission for this ? . You are my family man , only you have right to ask , tell and advice me .
Naveen : Thank you sir , if you can live happily without Roja madam , then it's better to move on and divorce madam .

Arjun was shocked . But Naveen had different thoughts in his mind . So he signed Varun who was about to interrupt in their convo . Arjun sat on the chair without speaking a word for Naveen's advice . He did not utter a word for along time and took his car keys and left......

Varun : Why did you give him such a stupid idea , Naveen bro ? . Look how he is rushing to divorce Roja . I guess he is going to lawyer office .

Naveen : Varun bro , don't you know about Arjun sir ? . Didn't you notice his antics while talking about divorce with Roja madam ? . He was extremely numb when someone says to get separated from Roja madam . He already started considering madam as his wife . Therefore knowing his feelings , I gave this wrong suggestion to bring out his emotions .

Varun thought for a while and replied......

Varun : Your idea is good , but what if Arjun divorces Roja ? . She will be shattered if she gets to know this........

Naveen : Do you think Arjun sir can live happily without Roja madam ? . That's impossible . You just wait bro , Arjun sir will accept and confess his feelings to Roja madam very soon .

Will Arjun accept Roja ? .

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