Chapter 29 ( Pregnancy )

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Author's POV :

Roja was sitting on the couch . She was dull and tired as she was throwing up since 2 days . She thought she would be fine and did not inform Arjun , but he got to know and yelled at her . Both of them had a small misunderstanding and Arjun went for a walk .


Arjun : Roja , any problem ? . What happened to you ? . Why are you throwing up ? .

Roja : I don't know Arjun .

Arjun : Okay , come let's go to hospital .

Roja : No , it's okay .

Arjun : Roja , plz come .

Arjun shouted.....

Arjun : Roja , come with me to the hospital .

Roja : I don't want to , leave me alone .

Arjun trew the vase and walked out of the room angrily .

While Roja was thinking about their misunderstanding , she suddenly realized something . She slowly went to her room and opened her cupboard and took a kit . She tested and was superb happy . Yes , the result was positive indicating Roja was pregnant . 

Roja's POV  :

I'm so happy , my Arjun's miniature in my womb , and in ten months in my hand ! . I want to reveal this to Arjun . We both had a small fight , which might have frustrated him . I will apologize and reveal this news to him .

Author's POV :

Arjun came to home after a while , just like Roja felt bad , he too felt bad for fighting with Roja . When he went inside the room , Roja was sitting on the bed . The minute she saw , she ran towards him and hugged him tightly shedding tears . He immediately embraced her back as he couldn't control his emotions towards her . After a while , Roja released from his grip and looked at his eyes with smile and teared pair of eyes of hers .

Arjun : Sorry Wifey , forgive me . I shouted on you for no mistake of yours .

Roja : No Arjun . It's my mistake . I had to be soft towards you , you cared for me . I understand .

Roja kneeled on Arjun and held his shirt blushing down . Arjun was clueless.......

Roja : Arjun , I want to tell you something .

Arjun didn't understand what she meant .

Arjun : Yes wifey , tell me .

Roja just took his hand and kept it on her tummy . Arjun's eyes had happy tears , he understood what she meant . He looked in her eyes and asked through his eyes whether it was true . She nodded through eyes replying in a yes.  He hugged her tightly and placed a forhead kiss indicating his pure love towards her . Arjun kneeled down and kissed his baby which was in Roja’s womb .

Arjun : Roja , I'm becoming a father .

Roja's smiled and nodded in a yes.....

Arjun : Roja , first a husband , then a lover , now a father . I'm so happy dear wifey . Did you inform this to your amma and attahai ? .

Roja : No Arjun .

Arjun : Why ? .

Roja : That's because I wanted to tell you first .

Arjun was superb happy . He ran and after a while returned with bundle of sweets .  His mother , mother in law and his sister where watching TV , they were surprised by his antics . After a while , Kalpana saw Arjun lifted Roja and coming downstairs . She asked him......

Kalpana : Finally , you both ,  fight is over ? .

Arjun : We will never fight ma .

Arjun gave sweet to everyone.......

Arjun : Amma and atthai , you both are becoming grandmothers , Deepa , you are becoming a paternal aunt .

The family was elated to hear this news . Kalpana and Shenbagam and Deepa kissed Roja and Deepa hugged her expressing her happiness

Roja : Arjun , get me down .

Arjun : No wifey .

Roja : Why ? .

Deepa : Anni , do you think brother will get you down ? . When you were his wife , he cared for you more . Now your his child's mother . Do you think will his love decrease for you ? .

Arjun : Well said Deepa . Now I and my wifey shall go meet Varun , Naveen and Bhoomika and distribute sweets in office .

Kalpana : Look at them Shenbagam .

Shenbagam : Yes Kalpana . My daughter and son in law . Now our grandchild , all of them should live happily ever after .

He left to office , Varun and Bhoomika  were working , Arjun lifted Roja in  his office , inspite Roja telling him let her down . Everyone were surprised . After a while , he let her down.......

Arjun : Hello everyone , I'm becoming a father . My wife Roja is pregnant .

Varun Bhoomika and Naveen were so happy to hear this . Arjun gave sweets to everyone and left to his home . While an anonymous person called and informed someone , what happened in the office .

Author's note : Sorry for the delay , I'm planning to end this story . Thank you for your support . Hope you like this chappy . ☺

Love my dear belove.....❤Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum