Chapter 4 ( Who is he ? )

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Roja's POV :

I was happily talking to aunty and uncle , but my mind is saying that I will meet Arjun very soon . Why today only my instinct is telling me I will meet Arjun soon ? . I couldn't think anything except him . I wanted to stay alone for sometime . I said some excuse and was heading to the staircase , just then I heard the word " ARJUN " from Kalpana aunty's mouth . Wait , what did I just hear ? . Is that true ? . I ran towards them and.......
Roja : Aunty , you told something right ? . What is it ? .
Kalpana : Nothing dear . I was talking about my son .
Roja : What's his name ? .
Everyone looked at her oddly , she noticed it , but didn't pay attention to their reaction . She again asked.....
Roja : Aunty , please say what is your son's name .
Just then she realized what if others think something.....
Roja : I mean......Aunty.......Both your son and daughter's name . I felt I remembered playing with them in my childhood .
Everyone smiled pleasantly . Kalpana replied with a smile.....
Kalpana : Oh , ok . My daughter's name is Deepa and my son's name is........
Roja was waiting for her reply.......
Kalpana : Arjun.......
I was shocked and extremely surprised with her reply . But I wanted to confirm is it MY ARJUN ? . So I asked aunty.....
Roja : Aunty , please can you show me picture of Deepa and Arjun ? .

Kalpana aunty immediately took her mobile gallery and opened the pic of Arjun and Deepa . I was shocked to see that ARJUN......I gave the mobile and ran to my room . I looked for my personal diary , where I fully wrote about Arjun . That diary had only Arjun's pics and what I wrote about him . I looked at his pic and was filled with happy tears .
Looking at his pic.......
3 years I didn't knew where you were , finally I found you . I love you so much Arjun . I want to apologize to you . And also..... I......I......want to propose to you  . I love you so much Arjun .
I held his pic and cried .

Author's POV :

A big building , large glass storey agency . Employees who were working there were highly educated and were payed sufficient , even more salary based on their sincerity . A man was holding the paperweight in his hand and was turning towards the wall . He was wearing a dark red woodie , a jeans and a coolers . He was thinking about something and just then.......

Employee : Sir.......
( He turned his rolling chair towards the voice......)
That person : Yes......
Employee : You told you want check these files by today .
That person : First of all , you should seek my permission for entering my cabin . It's Arjun....Arjun constructions.....You can't simply enter my cabin like that , understand ? . Now call Naveen to my cabin .
Employee : Ok sir.....

The employee leaves his cabin .

So it was ARJUN ! . His attitude remained the same . He wanted everything to be in his control . He treats everyone in his company as his employees and has no personal relationship with them except for one , that is his GM (General Manager) , Naveen , they both had a good and special bond . Arjun although sometimes gets irritated with Naveen , he trusted him more than anyone else in the company . Just then another man enters his room......
Arjun : Yeah , come in Varun , why permission between us ? .
Varun : I might be ur best friend , but in office , all are equal right ? .
Arjun : Good ! .

Varun was confused.....

Arjun : This is called professionalism .

Saying this Arjun got up from his rolling chair .

Arjun : In this office , all are staffs . Including myself . So no friendship .

Varun smiled at Arjun's behaviour . He likes his friend as he is . But one thought he always had is , what if Arjun behaves with same attitude with his wife ? . Will she adjust with him ? . Varun and Naveen were the only best friends to Arjun . Later Varun left the cabin . Arjun took a drawing and a pen from his drawer and smiled at it .

               What drawing is that ? .
Whose pen is that ? .
              Will Rojun get married ? .
Will Rojun family members arrange their marriage after knowing Roja's secret love ? .

Love my dear belove.....❤Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat