Chapter 22 ( Little moments )

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Author's POV :
While Arjun was busy thinking about Roja , he received a call . He reluctantly took the phone in his hands and when he looked at the call he was superb happy . It was Roja who had done a video call to him . He attended . Both of them were totally shy and did not speak a word . That's when Roja started the convo.......

Roja : Hi

Arjun : Hi

Roja : Did you have your dinner ? .

Arjun : Yeah . You ? .

Roja : Yeah .

Just then she saw her photo on the bed.....

Roja : How come my photo is on the bed ? . I had arranged everything on the shelf before I came .

Arjun was startled with her question . He did not know what to reply . He was hesitant to reveal her that he was missing her . With slight nervousness he replied her......

Arjun : Hmm ,actually I  was cleaning and tidying the whole room , so I kept the photo......

Roja : For what joy ? . Before I came here I had cleant everything .

Arjun was more nervous.....

Arjun : But I did not know that right .

Roja : Fine . Bye

Arjun : Good night .

They hung the call but Arjun could not sleep . While Roja too tossed and turned around thinking about Arjun . After an eternity , she received a text stating......

  "   I am waiting for you downstairs , near the parking area . Come soon . "

She was stunned , she though felt happy reading the text , she suspected a conspiracy and took a wooden stick in her hand and slowly crept out of the house without informing her parents. She reached the parking area and saw a shadow , she guessed it might be the one who messaged her and is trying to play tricks with her she ran towards the shadow and raise the stick on the person , and that's when the person hid his face ans shouted in a familiar voice.......

     Are you gone insane ? . Why are you trying to hit me ? .

She realized it was Arjun's voice . The anonymous person took his palm from the face and that's when it was confirmed as Arjun . Roja was embarrassed . She just stammered and replied..... . I guessed someone as messaged me by hacking your account . So I decided to catch the culprit .

Arjun was confused and asked her......

But you know my number right ?

Yeah , but you never message me right ? . This was our first chat . On top of that , today was our first video call . So I got confused how to react.....

She replied in a dull and childish tone . Arjun could feel the pain and understood till what extent he had avoided herHe was in deep thoughts . Just then Roja snapped her fingers in front of Arjun , which made him come back to reality.....

Roja : But why did you come here at this time ? .

Arjun was startled by her question . He was searching for excuses to reply for her question.....

Arjun : Actually......I....was going to my office . So .

Roja : Will you go to office at 3:30am ? . And by the way , morning is Sunday .

Arjun was caught now . He tried to change the subject .
Arjun : Shall we go and have ice cream ? .
Roja was stunned by his question .
Roja : At this time ? .
Arjun : So what , we both are husband and wife , and not unmarried lovers .
He told very casually , while she was getting more surprised with is sudden change . He never used to address him as her husband , or them as a couple but since morning this was the second time he was addressing himself as her husband . She just nodded in a yes and left with him .

Both of them were walking , due to power cut , the streets were dark . Roja was usually afraid of darkness . Suddenly Roja heard a thud , she ran and hugged Arjun . He was stunned .

This was their first hug . ❣😻

Roja opened her eyes and saw the startled Arjun . Arjun looked at Roja . He saw her face glowing in the moon light . He smiled unknowingly . Soon they started walking and reached a small ice cream cart . He purchased 2 red velvets and gave one to Roja , sitting next to her .  She took it hesitantly . While both of them were having their ice cream , Arjun initiated the conversation.......

Arjun : Can I ask you something ? .

Roja : Yeah .
He stammered.....

Arjun : I.....I.....what..... I'm.......trying to say is.....can we become friends ? .

Arjun gave his hand for a handshake . Roja was surprised with such a change in his behaviour . However she smiled and gave him hand for handshake . Roja got up and Arjun held her hand , they shared an eyelock . Roja looked at the way he was holding her hand , so Arjun left her hand .
Arjun : Where are you going ? .

Roja : I want a tissue paper . So I'm going to ask the ice cream vendor .

Arjun takes a tissue and gives it to her.....

Arjun : Hereafter , if you require anything , ask me , not someone else .

It was reflecting his possessiveness .  Roja understood it and smiled at his antics . She did not reply , but just gave a nod and both of them started walking . Suddenly Arjun pulled Roja's hand and hugged her . She was totally stunned . He  yelled at her.........
Arjun : Can't you see a gutter ? . You were about to fall .

Roja felt bad . He noticed it and again spoke , but gently.....

Arjun : Sorry , but watch and walk properly .

She smiled at him and realized the way he cared for.... 

Roja : Sorry , it was my mistake too . I had to watch out . I am sorry .

She made an innocent face . Arjun instantly smiled at her cute antics . H e
replied with a smile......

Arjun : No problem .

Roja smiled back and started walking . They both reached the house . Roja took Arjun's hand and glanced at his watch to find the time was 4 : 30 am . Suddenly , she thought of something......
Roja : By the way , how did you come here ? .
Arjun : Ofcourse through car .
Roja : Then where did you park it ? .
Arjun : Behind your house .
Roja : Then how did you come here ? . The gate was also not open .
Arjun rubbed his neck and replied with a shy smile
Arjun : By jumping across the wall .

Roja was surprised.....

Will Rojun's friendship turn into love ? .

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