Chapter 2 ( Secret )

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( Roja is sitting on the bench near football court and waiting for Arjun . She wants to meet him and talk to him . But he did not come . Roja started losing hope , but still she waited . She was looking down , she felt she should look up , she looked up and there he was , her ARJUN . Roja went near him and tried to speak to him......)
Roja : Hi ! .
( Arjun raised his eyebrows and looked at her in an irritated way . Roja instantly got scared by the way he looked at her , but something in her mind used to say her that it was necessary to talk to him . )
Roja : You didn't reply .
( Arjun got angry......)
Arjun : Why are you behind me ? .
Roja : I wanted to thank you for returning my handbag and wanted to say you.....
Arjun : What , you wanted to say thank you to me ? . Yesterday you told right ? .
Roja : No , I mean.....I......
Arjun : Stop dragging and speak up .
Roja : I Love you senior.....
( Roja closes her eyes in shy and scared manner because she knew Arjun doesn't like girls nor to be friend with them , but she proposed him , so she expected his wrath . After a minute she opened her eyes and she saw Arjun looking at her act without any emotions . Arjun replied her.....)
Arjun : I knew this from the day you were behind me . Anyways I am not interested in falling in love with you . You got it ? .
( Saying so Arjun left to play football . Roja was in tears . She quietly left to her hostel room and started crying . )

Author's POV :
Arjun is an excellent football player . He is 2 years senior to Roja in the college . Roja was in 2nd year while Arjun was in the final year . Want to know why Roja loves Arjun so much ? . Love at first sight was a reason , there is another reason too.....That is nothing but Arjun was Roja's school crush .


Author's POV :
Roja was studying in 10th standard and she was the topper of the class . There were totally 40 students in her and Arjun's class too . It was a kind of coincidence . Both Arjun and Roja's group 3 was Economics . Her roll no was 25 while Arjun's roll no was 1 . They were paired up together for exams . Roja found that Arjun is in her college by Arjun's friend whom she met recently , his name was Yuva . Yuva told Roja that Arjun was studying in the college which she was studying when she told her college name . She showed Arjun's pic which she took it from Twitter and showed it to him to confirm whether Yuva told about the same Arjun . Yuva nodded in a yes . That is when Roja started to fall in love with Arjun .

Roja's POV :
I wanted to always talk to him and was finding a chance . He was a not only a topper in studies , but a gem of person in character too . I use to ask him certain doubts to get a chance to talk to him , but he never showed any attention to me properly . So , only I loved him . Even after i completed my schooling I searched for him , I started loving him only after I confirmed that he was my school crush . I was twinkled to know his name from his friend was probably an attraction . Many say crushes in school are temporary , but mine became permanent , I said to myself smiling in tears of happiness , just then I realized he did not love me , only I loved him and felt so hurt .

Will Arjun love Roja ? .
Will he accept her proposal ? .
Will they get married ? .

Love my dear belove.....❤Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat