Chapter 28 ( Imprisonment )

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Author's POV :

It was evening , the function had begun . The host entered the stage .

Host : Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen , hope all are comfortable . Today we are go ne award the young and enthusiastic Arjun for his achievements  in the business industry . Let's welcome Arjun Prathap on stage please .

There was a big round of applause for Arjun when he climbed the stage staircase . Meanwhile , Sham , Priya and Santhosh had come back from hospital . They were fuming to see Arjun being awarded . Roja observed them . The host suggested.......

Host : Hello Arjun , your few words on your achievements before you are awarded .

Arjun : Sure sir .

Arjun took the mic from him and spoke.....

Arjun : Hello everyone , I thank everyone for coming to this function . It really means a lot to me . Business industry of course , not so easy . All ups and downs in budgets and what more ? . I thank my father and father in law . They are my inspiration to start such a huge company . Next I thank my sister Deepa for her motivation towards me . My mother and mother in law who supported and encouraged me . Last but not the least , my wife , Mrs Roja Arjun , who stood by me during all my ups and downs unknowingly . I want to receive my award with her . Rose come to the stage .

Roja was overwhelmed with Arjun's love towards her . She entered the stage . Arjun held Roja's hand and received the award . Arjun was talking to chief guests while Roja observed something , Priya , Sham and Santhosh were speaking to a waiter . Roja whispered something to Arjun and got off the stage . She silently observed them and was shocked to listen to their conversation . She shoot everything in her mobile and left the place . She went near Arjun , who had come down from the stage . Meanwhile , Priya , Sham and Santhosh too came to the hall.  Roja was about to reveal something , the same waiter brought a glass of juice for Arjun . Arjun extended his hand to take it , while Roja pushed it out . Arjun and all other guests were shocked with her behavior . One of the guests questioned her........

Guest : Roja , is this a way to behave ? . How can you disrespect someone ? .

Roja : If someone tries to poison your husband will you stay quite ? .

The guest was startled with her question . Sham gang too were shocked . Roja burst out into tears.......

Roja : Speak up ma'am ! . If someone tries to poison your husband will you stay quite ? . I don't know about it . But if someone tries to trouble my Arjun , I won't stay quite .

Ravi (Host ) : Ma'am , but who tried to poison Arjun sir ? .

Pointing towards Priya and gang.......

Roja : These people only .

The gang and everyone were startled . Only Rojun knew their plans prior . Roja held Priya's hair tightly and questioned her firmly.......

Roja : Hey , reveal the truth to all . Tell everyone what did you mix in the juice which was supposed to be given to my husband .

Priya : Hey , leave me . You and your husband always have grudge on us . So stop blaming on others .

Roja : Stop it ! . Dare you speak about me and my husband .

Priya : I will . What proof do you have to prove that we tried to poison your husband ? .

Roja : You want proof isn't it ? . Wait.......

She took out her phone and showed the video of Priya , Sham and Santhosh asking the waiter to mix poison in the juice which was supposed to give to Arjun and lended a huge sum of money to the waiter .

The guests all were shocked . That particular guest who questioned Roja told her..........

Guest : Forgive me Roja . These people who tried to poison Arjun should be arrested .

Ravi : Yes ma'am , let's call the police .

Meanwhile , the police inspector Chandrakantha arrived . All the guests were shocked . Chandrakantha entered the hall and questioned.......

Chandrakantha : Who is Roja here ? .

Roja : Me ma'am .

Chandrakantha : You informed me the matter , so any proof that those traitors tried to poison your husband ? .

Roja : Yes ma'am .

Roja sent Priya and team's planning video to Chandrakantha . Chandrakantha went near Priya and slapped her........

Chandrakantha : Constable arrest them .

Priya , Sham and Santhosh were arrested and their punishment was imprisonment for 6 months .


At night ,

Arjun was sitting on the bed , Roja came to the room and found him upset . She sat next to him . He looked at her intensely .

Roja : Arjun , why are you upset ? .

Arjun : How do you know ? .

Roja : I'm your wife Arjun . What's the matter ? .

Arjun : Nothing .

Roja : Alright . You rest for a while .

He just layed on her lap . She caressed him with affection and care . He took her arm and kissed it .

Arjun : Wifey .

Roja : Yeah .

Arjun : Shall we go on an outing this Sunday ? .

Roja : Okay . Now you take rest .

Arjun : Alright .

She kissed his forhead .

      Wait for the upcoming......☺

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