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My eyes were full of red bloody rubies. His mouth was on mine. Alec had his lips on my lips. They were pressed against my lips. What in the world did I miss?

We looked into each others eyes. His lips were soft. I pulled back.

I bumbled a little bit for words. It's the same word in Itallian as it is in English. "N- n- no," I shook my head.

I saw the water then. We were in a boat. In the middle of the ocean. The land looks so far away. There was too much water. I fell backwards. Don't look. If I don't look it's not there. I closed my eyes and pretended I was perfectly safe on land.

"I'm sorry, I thought--" he started, and it was strange because now he was speaking english too, and I maybe it was all a dream, and I was still dreaming. I had to be.

And I suppose I saw this coming, with the little time I had spent with him, he always seemed keen about me. "What do you think Jane will think?" I asked, and even if it was a dream, even if we were in the middle of nowhere, I didn't dare speak english. "Have you thought of that? If she ever finds out that you--"

"Oh, now you talk?" he asked. He shook his head, "Don't you dare use Jane against me. You don't know her the way I know her." He began rowing, hopefully back to shore. "I wanted to surprise you. I thought it was obvious where this date was going. You didn't have to come if you were just going to throw it in my face."

"I didn't-- I wasn't-- Why are we in the middle of the damn ocean!?" I was curled up in a ball. The boat rocked. I needed to throw up.

"Because it's romantic! You said you liked sunsets! There's your pretty sunset!" He gesured off at the sky. "You don't have to freak out."

"I'm sorry, I-- I--" I couldn't tell him what really happened. That I had hijacked the body of a person who I believed to be my sister. That she was probably the one he took on this date. I realized I should ask him to block my senses but I couldn't even focus enough to do that. My brain feels like it's sloshing back and forth in my head. We finished our boat ride without another word. Alec was broiling with irritation. I was just trying to breath and not puke.

When he stopped the boat we were in a tunnel. A sewer. I hopped onto the steady ground as soon as I opened my eyes and realized that we could get off.

I threw up anyway.

He held my hair behind my head as I heaved up red slosh; nothing of what I had eaten at the party. Just a bunch of blood. I needed something more. Real, chewable, tangible food.

We sat down on the walkway when I felt better. I held a candle, watching it shrivel under my breath.

"I'm sorry." I said. I figured he'd forgive me since he was an especially angry person like his sister.

"No. I should have--" he tried to apologize.

"No. I was completely out of it. I should have been paying more attention."

"No, I shouldn't have--"

"No, it was my--"

"No. It wasn't--"

"No. It was."




Our arguments were ridiculous. He ended it by leaning in and kissing me. I was present for the whole thing this time. I kissed back. I knew I shouldn't for more than one reason. Because Jane. Because my mouth tasted of puke. Because I didn't like him like this and he's a thousand years older than me.

But I continued to kiss him. Because it felt nice and far from perfect. Because it was so wrong that it couldn't be messed up or broken. Because he was right here where I could see him and not halfway across the world where I could never belong.


It's been a while. . .I'm sorry.
This is really short. Like ridiculously short.
Was this the right thing to do? or do you think she's still too young?
What do you think about Alec?  

Dude, dude, dude! I almost forgot, but the reason that I haven't been working on this stroy is that I was working on another story. My Slender man love story. I posted the first chapter if you'd like to check it out? I'm really excited about it:D

The Girl Who Was Taken (Renesme Cullens Twin Sister)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang