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One thing led to another, and one night I found myself sitting there, on top of the big desk in the oval office. And when I say the oval office, I mean The Oval Office. As in the white house. It's a little hard to explain how I got here. Kind of a blur... I paused for a second, trying to take it in, trying to formulate the words I'd use when I told Paul about it. First, I was on a long car ride with Jane and Fernando, and next thing I knew we were making stops at various covens across the states. We only dealt with the established ones. Any new faces were handed off to someone else. And there was a lot of torture involved in those parts, Jane got carried away often, and I tried to reframe from breaking anyone's minds. Most of the time, I'd tell them simple things like, "Listen to us," or "follow our laws." That usually did the trick. There was only one time that I had to get super specific with a vampire and it was only because she kept asking questions. But I wouldn't tell Paul most of that part. He wouldn't like it. Too much blood, too many murders and massacres, and I stayed on the sidelines, I never joined in, but not stepping in to stop it might as well be the same as committing it to him. But I'd keep it simple, say that eventually we drove all the way across the states to DC and somehow got through all the security checks like it was nothing. We literally just walked inside.

Sure we had some brute force go in first, and Jane mentioned how we had people working on the inside as well, but all of that was just details. The important part was that I was saving the world right now. Mr. President was sitting in his chair, very stiff and uncomfortable. Sweat dripped down his forehead now, after being victim to Jane's torture. All the security guards in the room laid dead around us. Fernando stayed by the door, standing with his feet hip width apart, hands folded, looking menacing. It was just him, Jane, me, and the President. Jane stood behind the President, hands on his shoulders, "Now that you've had a taste of what fun you and I can have together, I'd like to introduce you to my dear friend, Amber."

I gave him a little wave, "It's good to meet you, sir."

He shuddered, looking out of the corner of his eye to Jane's fingers clamped on his suit jacket. They were smeared with blood.

"Hey, it's okay." I reached out for his face, lightly touching his chin to pull his attention toward me. "It's okay Mr. President." He shivered at my touch. "Sssshhhhh," I told him, trying to calm him down. It was easier to coax the mind if it wasn't scared. Fear shut down everything, made the brain contract in a way, like trying to untangle knotted cords with no leeway to pull and tug. "Hey, how was your morning?" I figured if I talked to him, he might start to calm down. "I know you've been having a hard time lately with this whole vampire thing. But don't worry anymore, it's all going to be much better from here on out. All the heavy decision making, the strategizing... We're going to help you with it, okay? Does that sound okay?"

His eyes flickered across my face, finally listening to what I was saying, finally opening up to my words. "What do you think of that?" I asked.

"I think you're lunatics," he spat.

I pulled my hand back from his cheek. "I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm just trying to have a conversation with you. Figure out how both of our people can coexist together."

"You're holding me hostage," he said. "There is no possibility for vampire and man to coexist. You're demons who crawled up from hell. Posing as people, tricking humans with your beauty and then feasting on them. But that's over. You'll never be able to hide again. We have cameras and the internet, immortalizing this time forever." He laughed hard, "You'll never win. You need us, but we'll go down with you if that's what it takes." His eyes were wide, a little crazy. It wasn't too surprising. He'd seen some shit in his day.

I nodded with him. "Yeah. About that thing, taking us down with you and everything..." And he was pretty open now, his brain was receiving, processing, ready for the taking. "You gotta stop with all this nuclear bomb stuff. No more blowing up any nations, and while we're at it, no more drone strikes either. We don't like that. It's really annoying. Just send in people. At least then we get to eat after they shoot at us."

As I spoke, he followed my gaze, swaying slightly with me as I moved my own head. He nodded along, completely under my spell.

"Okay, so that's the main thing you need to remember. No more Nukes. You got that?" He nodded. "Next thing," I said, getting out the small piece of paper so I remembered exactly what I was supposed to program him to do. I skimmed over it, and looked back at him, "Okay, you're going to be getting phone calls from my friends Amun and Carlisle now. They're going to be your go to contact people about all things vampire from now on, you got that? You need to trust them and listen to everything they tell you. That's the only way you'll keep everyone safe. And when the next person comes into the presidency, make sure they follow these rules too. They're all top secret, and highly important for the wellbeing of America and the earth. You got that?"

I squinted at him and nodded along as he nodded at my words. "Okie dokie," I broke the eye contact, and sat up, "So that's that. We're good here."

Jane caressed her hand along the Presidents shoulders a couple more times, smiling down at him. "Next, we have to go do this whole thing again in Russia."


"Yes. Next is Russia, and then China, the UK, France, and probably North Korea as well... All have nuclear weapons of mass destruction. All need to be neutralized before we end up with more Italy's. But luckily, most of the vampires over there are falling in line, except for Romania, but mostly, all we'll have to do is convince the nation's leaders to stop this nuclear war."

I shook my head with a sigh, "Human's." Then I jumped off the desk, and we walked out as simply as we walked in. No fuss or mess, just no-nonsense negotiations tilted in our favor. World peace was at our fingertips.


Dedicated to @klausxcariline6

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