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Sorry it took so long to update.. the formatting kept getting all blubby.

in other news, I wrote half of this chapter sitting up in a tree:D


I was standing under an overhang of a bar on a deserted road. Rain was pouring. My only company were the smokers who couldn't resist a cigarette for more than thirty minutes. The world lit up by lightning streaking the clouds and five seconds later a thunderous boom. 

I'd been on the run for a year now. Constantly being tailed and chased after. Never having more than an hour to catch my breath. I've hardly had a wink of sleep in days. Maybe even weeks. I  couldn't even remember. This had been a lot easier with Daddy. I gripped the vase of his ashes tighter.

My tummy growled, or maybe it was more thunder. I couldn't tell and I didn't care. I needed to get out of this rain.  It was night time though, so everything else is closed. I looked like a runaway teenager with dirt on my face, and old ragged clothes. It's about time I went clothes shopping. But that was a problem for later, right now, I was hungry. They wouldn't let me in the bar though because  I didn't have a parent.

I entered for the fifth time anyways, preying that they'd be too absorbed in their beer glasses and pitiful conversations about their tragic midlife crisises. I hadn't been very lucky lately and tonight proved not to be any different as the bartender spotted me once again. 

"Girl, how many times do I have to spell it out for you? You're not allowed in here!" He spit a thick glob of chewing tobacco into an empty cup.  Maybe if I got close enough I could tell him to suck it. But I'd rather not waste my mind on an inky toothed bastard like him.

I could massacre this bar in less than a minute. Forty seconds tops. Okay, probably two minutes if I forget myself in someone's blood.  I didn't want their blood though. I could wrangle a pedophile into a dumpster if I wanted blood.

I wanted their deep fried green beans. The greasy pizza with flaming hot jalapeños. A cherry flavored cola with speared cherries to top it off because cherries sounded really delicious right now. Heck, I'd even drink their musty smelling, half empty beer glasses if it would get the morning breath taste out of my mouth. 

I hadn't brushed my teeth in over three weeks now. I could feel the cavities forming. I didn't know about tooth brushes when I was still with daddy, so I didn't know that the taste wasn't normal. Now I find myself revolting in every aspect of the term. To everyone else though I probably looked like a super model in a bad car commercial aimed at families who like to take their trucks out and casually splash mud all over them.

I tried to look as scared and lost as I could which wasn't too hard because I was quite scared and relatively lost with no where to go. "I don't know where my mom is."  

"Not my problem," he said gruffly.

I blubber a bit and the soulless barkeep still sent me back out into the rain to dwell with the last of the hardcore smokers. Most of them have wandered back into the bar. The rain came down in sheets now, splattering even what used to be the driest parts under the overhang. The last three smokers were laughing at their misery as they cuddled their cigarettes away from the wet. 

I was about to embark into the rain to find a car, dumpster, leaky basement, or even a cardboard box to sleep in when I noticed the stranger who had followed me out. "Hey, girl!"  I could barely hear his calls over the pouring rain.

"Leave me alone," I yelled to get the point across that I wasn't a prostitute, and I didn't want any trouble. 

He was a shady looking fellow. Big black trench coat. Wide brimmed hat. Sunglasses in the middle of a dark thunderstorm. Posture too good to be human. Too suspicious to be a henchman for the Volturi. But still too big for me to take by myself. 

The Girl Who Was Taken (Renesme Cullens Twin Sister)Where stories live. Discover now