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I broke the kiss, tearing my lips away. Jacob's hands were around the small of my back though, holding me against him. "Woah there, dude. What the hell is going on?"

It took him a second to process that I wasn't Renesme anymore, and he let go. "Sorry," he said.

I backed up from him, hitting into a tree. It was one thing to be attracted to Paul. His scent was familiar and welcome, but all the other wolves still smelled gross, like dog slobber left on a chew toy with bits of mowed grass. I gagged as I realized the taste was all inside my own my mouth, and I stuck my tongue out and gagged more, "Oh my god," I complained as I couldn't help but heave over as a little bit of throw up came out. "Why would you do that?"

"You're really throwing up?" Jacob asked.

I spit it onto the ground, a sour taste of the beer I drank earlier. I wiped my mouth with my wrist. "Why would you kiss me? Why does she think it's okay to kiss everyone in my body? She has absolutely no personal boundaries!" I turned around, walking towards the backyard again, out of the woods.

"Stormy," Jacob called, "Calm down. I know it wasn't you. Please just—"

But I kept walking, feeling the buzz of alcohol in this body making me just slightly more dramatic. I broke through the tree line, and was walking fast away toward the house, but I guess Paul had been watching out a window for me because he was the first one out of the house. "Stormy? You okay?" he called as he jogged down the steps towards me, and in no time, he hung his arm around my waist and put himself between me and Jacob. "What's going on?"

"It's nothing," Jacob said.

"Is it really nothing?" Paul asked, then looked at me, "Was it nothing?"

My face was still contorted in disgust, "Never ever do that again," I said. And I spit out the taste one more time. "That was not part of your birthday present."

"What did he do?" Paul asked, looking between us, his eyes were hardening. He was holding a can of something in his hand, and I took it from him, taking a large chug to clean my mouth. I didn't want him to waste it when he phased into a wolf, which I could tell would be very soon.

"He kissed me," I said.

"It wasn't you," Jacob defended.

But Paul didn't care. After everything he has had to put up with with me, and all the self-control it had taken him to process it calmly, he couldn't take just one more piece of bad news. He turned on Jacob and started advancing on him. He shoved his chest, moving them away from me, if there was one bit of sense left in his brain, it must have been to at least put some space between his wolfing out and me. "What the hell?"

He pushed him again, and Jacob growled, but wasn't trying to fight back. There were other people watching from the windows, some on the porch. Sam Uley tried to get through the crowd to stop the fight, but he was too late. Paul jumped forward, ripping into a wolf, and Jacob transformed just in time to defend himself. Paul had his jaw around Jacobs neck for a second before he wiggled out and crouched down. They circled each other. Sam burst into a wolf too, growling in a commanding way, but he only had so much power over Jacob, and even with his Alpha voice, I think Paul was a little bit too mad to listen. They snarled at each other, and then Jacob turned one-eighty and darted toward the woods, and Paul snapped his jaw before chasing after him.

I hugged myself, drinking more beer to wash my mouth of the taste, and turned to look around. Emily was shaking her head from the deck. Charlie was there, and he came up to collect me. "That boy," he said, disapprovingly. "Don't know what it is about him and my offspring."

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