Author Note

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I don't think I've ever dedicate an entire chapter section to an author note, but this is important because I just spent the last week editing and revising the entirety of everything I already posted in this story, so I kind of have to update you on that. Here's a list of things I changed.

I fixed the tense issues so it's all told in past tense now. Only took me seven years to truly understand the difference between past and present. everything is fine. we got this.

And then, I fixed the aging issues. I seriously went through everything and rewrote their ages. I was luck 'cause i was vague about their ages through most of the story so I only had to change a couple lines here and there, then think about age appropriateness. But I decided to mostly follow the films timeline, so they look ten years old pretty early on, and then they grow steadier from there. I put in the many years that passed too. And so that really helped curb the weird pedophilia that I had overlooked in my younger days.

I also fixed up the sex scene between Renesme and Alec so it's way less cringy now. She's also a proper teenager in it. It was so hard to reread that, I still can't believe I wrote it.

One of the biggest changes I made was because I totally fell in love with Demetri all over again as I was editing him to be more dreamy, less creepy. Aging the twins up made such a big difference! But the big change is that when Stormy forgives him after she catches him kissing Chelsea, Stormy offers to let him bite her again! I know, it's crazy, but it's such a vampire thing, I couldn't pass it up. I'm still contemplating if I want to write an actual chapter and slip it in there of what their relationship is really like through that year, because as it is now in the revised version, we get the basic idea of it, but then skip ahead a year, and have to use our imaginations. LEt me know if you'd read it.

But now she has vampire bite scars all over her body from Demetri. I'll make sure to mention them again with Paul.

Oh, I also went in and added more about the language differences between the twins. It was kind of confusing when Renesme went to Stormy's body and I had to change all the dialogue into Italian, and suddenly she couldn't understand it, which meant I had to change some conversations.

And wow, rereading this entire thing was wild. It takes so many twists and turns, I completely forgot about entire chapters. Please let me know if you see any plot holes, I noticed some as I edited and tried to fix things as they happened, but there's just so much to go over, this story is so long.

And since this chapter is just an author note, I just want to use it to vent right now because real life sucks so much right now. I haven't seen my friends since March, and it is November now. I graduated via a zoom  stream, and after summer, I got a real job being in charge of a small library which seems way too much responsibility considering I just graduated, but it's only part time, and I get paid 14 dollars an hour which is basically the same that I got paid in my last library job with way less responsibility, but that's because the minimum wage is different in different states.

But also there's a lot of people i have to work with who refuse to wear masks because they think its a hoax, and so I am always afraid that I'm going to get sick and then bring it home and kill my parents. So it's been hard, and that's the reason that I dived back into this story full force. It's been a good distraction. I hope it's as entertaining for you as it's been for me.

Have ya'll been effected by covid-19 and the pandemic?

But hoo-boy that's good to get off my chest. Let's get back to the story before I have a panic attack.

Yours truly,

The Girl Who Was Taken (Renesme Cullens Twin Sister)Where stories live. Discover now