Best Of Three

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- Nothing, I'm just thinking. I'm not hungry. - I shrugged more to convince myself than her.

- And what are you thinking about? - She insisted making me sigh, apparently she wasn't going to give up. - Hey! - As if she knew I didn't have her in my sight, she slid her fingers along the contour of my face and when she reached the opposite side of hers, she slowly pulled it making me face her. - Talk to me, I know there's something wrong. You're not that antisocial. - I let out a laugh - We promised, remember?

I wanted to tell her everything, I wanted to take out all my pain and open wounds on her, because I was so sure she would take good care of me. But it was no small thing. I didn't know how honest I could be because I was afraid of losing her, disappointing her or worse, involving her in this madness. Chaeyoung sure didn't deserve this, nobody did. Reality crashed into my conscience again: she was too good for me.

- Sana is back and wants to talk, I'm a little nervous about it. I have no idea what to say or how she's going to act. - It wasn't a lie, but again, it wasn't the complete truth.

- Sana? Minatozaki Sana?

- Yes, do you know her?

- Lord, how small this world is. She was one of the first people to help me through college, and to talk to me too.

- She never mentioned me? - I asked curious since Chaeyoung never seemed to know about me differently from the other students. Just through the rumours.

- No.

- Hm. - Maybe she was too angry to mention my name. Maybe she wanted to forget about me, or maybe she already had.

- She's a cutie. - Chaeyoung sighed next to me, seeming to have brought something good to memory.

- Yeah, it just won't be with me. - I smiled.

- Why would she be so mad at you?

- Because we've been best friends for a long time and last year I disappeared without giving any news, without answering or making calls, without sending messages. She, like everyone else, thinks I abandoned her.

- Maybe she thinks so, or maybe not. You'll only know if you talk to her.

- There's the problem, I don't know if I'm ready to talk to her.

- You'll never feel ready to face your fears. Look... - A smile appeared on her lips as well as mine. My heart was already beating softer, my body was calmer, she sure knew how to move me. Her hands went through my hair in a sloppy caress, her fingers walked through the strands, and, now and then, pressed my body lightly. I should pull her away, but everything in me made me want more of this. - Minari, stop condemning yourself with this. You and I both know that it wasn't like that, you can't blame yourself for what happened to you.

- I know but...

- No "but". Tell her the truth, because I know she will understand. If she is your friend she will definitely understand.

- You think so?

- I'm sure! And stop believing the truth that others say about you, I hate it when you do that. - She snorted leaving a pout on her lips soon after, which made me laugh.

Chaeyoung stayed with me until I was ready to leave. The ill effects of my companionship were already being seen, as I caused her to miss her afternoon classes. I insisted on leaving her at home, but she didn't want to, she said Dahyun was in charge of accompanying her on the subway and that there would be no problem. I was disappointed, besides the fact that I had her with me for a few more hours, I also wanted an excuse to postpone this conversation as long as possible.

Requiem - Michaeng [ENG]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora