Chapter 6d: The fight

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Pin was just walking down the hallways, minding her own business thinking about her garden. She wanted some fresh meat to fear her. But who? Being a leader wasn't enough. Neither was being a queen.
She saw Ice Cube and Bubble talking together.
"HEY GUYS!" Pin jumped in front of Icy and Bubble.
"Oh uh hey Pin." Bubble said. "How's being stuck in a school forced to kill each other going. Must be feeling lucky you guys have survived this long." Bubble was quiet. "Ummmm..." "Oooooh! What's this!?" Pin snatched a note Bubble had in her hands. "Hmmm. Root Beer, Root Beer." Pin strongly held onto the note and made her eyes close to it. Bubble was kind of nervous. Icy was also a little, but she just watched.
Pin laughed and threw it at Bubble's face.
Then pounced on the salonist.

Ice Cube had to rush and get Pencil, Match, Needle, Stoner,Water Bottle and Woody who were the closest at the moment.
Pin, Needle, Stoner and WB pulled Pin away. WB then pinched the leader's chest, making her sleep. Match and Pencil both punched her in the face.
"Ok. I'm going to take her to her room." Water Bottle announced. "After that, some of us are going to keep an eye on her." "I will." Needle said.
"Same here." said Stoner.
Water Bottle nodded.
Then the 3 of them stayed with Pin in her room.


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