Chapter 4d: The second motive

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MonoAnnouncer had 21 envelopes with all our names written on them all.
He gave each of us our envelopes and what was inside surprised us all.
"HOW DID YOU GET THESE!?" Pin asked.
"I can't let anyone know about this!" Tennis Ball yelled.
"Yup! I have your embarrassing secrets! You have until the end of the week to kill someone or else your secrets are going viral!" MonoAnnouncer said.
"You don't mean-" "EXACTLY!" MonoAnnouncer said. "I'll reveal all your secrets to everyone in this school!"
MonoAnnouncer then disappeared.

Well, might as well look at mine.

Rocky had drawn a 6 incher without getting caught.

I mean, it wouldn't go well if everyone knew and yes, I do regret drawing that on the teacher's desk without while her back was turned,but at least I didn't get caught by anyone.
I have told Yo Yo Ball about it before coming here,thinking it would be cool so if I could handle telling one person, I could handle it being shown to everyone.
Pen looked real horrified looking at his secret.
"I BET LEAFY'S SECRET IS THAT SHE STOLE MY SWEATER!" Firey said. Without hesitation, Snowball snatched Leafy's secret. "Yup. All true." Snowball then handed Leafy's letter back to the girl who was on the verge of tears. "Now it's your turn." Snowball pushed Firey onto the floor and stole his letter. "EMBARRASSED BECAUSE LEAFY WOULD BE GOING TO THE SAME SCHOOL AS YOU! DUDE! WTF!?" Snowball handed Firey back his secret. "SNOWBALL!!!" Pin yelled. "Even if Leafy did steal Firey's sweater, you can't just read Firey's secret!" Pin said. "I'm sorry. Did you hear Firey correctly predict Leafy's secret. And you should've said that I can't just read both of their secrets!" Pin went quiet. "Aren't you and Leafy friends?" The fighter walked to the leader. "I knew it! You're letting a sweater get in the way of your friendship with your very first ever friend! It's just a dam sweater!!!!!!" Snowball then stormed off annoyed. Leafy fallowed.

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