"Did you see what his name was"?

"Yea I think it was-"

I didn't hear the last of there conversation because I left the room. I didn't want to hear it anyway. I was tired and wanted to finish work so I could go home and forget this awful day.

When I finally got home I cooked myself food then took a shower before heading to bed. I set my alarm a few minutes earlier then i normally do just so I have time to read through my schedule because I don't have the energy to do it now.

I closed my eyes but when I re opened them I was face to face with the man from earlier. He was in my bed. In my arms.

I didn't say anything nor move until I saw his brown eyes open and he smiled at me. "Good morning kunikida".

"Good morning dazai".

Dazai smiled at me then snuggled his face into my chest closing his eyes and I laughed."sorry hun but we have work today so we cant sleep in".

I heard him whine making me smile and press a kiss to the top of his head. "Come on let's get up".

I eventually coxed him out of bed and we got ready for work with me packing our lunches and making breakfast as well.

When dazai was finished getting ready he came into the kitchen where I was then plopped himself on the island and kicked his legs cutely.


"What is it my love"?

"Kiss me"!

Without question I moved over to him pressing my lips to his and I felt him smile as he kissed back.

"Ok let's go now". I spoke after we pulled away and dazai nodded hopping off the island and leaving the house by my side.

I was so happy . I was content. I didn't hate anyone or anything. I had the most important thing in the world with me. Then what happened?

I opened my eyes and sat up immediately. I looked to my side seeing I had ten minutes until my alarm goes off.

"What the hell was that dream". I mumbled and laid back onto my side.

"Dazai" I whispered to myself trying to remember where I heard that name from before. "Dazai... dazai... dazai osamu"?

I knew that name but what I knew it from was a mystery. I called the man that name but is it really his or did my mind just come up with it. It had to be my mind since he never said his name and I never checked the news to find his name.

I opened my book of ideals to try to forget the strange dream I had but saw I had made a mistake giving myself a hour break of nothingness .

What am I supposed to do with that time?

Maybe I could see him? Why do I want to see him so badly? Wouldn't he hate me for what I said anyway?

Without thinking I changed clothes and let my feet drag me to wherever they wanted to go. And sadly it was to the hospital.

"Name for the person you want to see"?

"I think it was... dazai osamu"?

"Room 373".

It worked. But how?!

While I approached the door I prayed it wasn't some random old guy that I would be walking in on . Yet what I saw i didn't know weather to be happy or sad about.  It was the man from my dream.

"Heyo "! He said with a smile waving at me while I still processed in my head what the hell was going on. "Didn't think I'd see you. Did you change your mind about you not falling in love with me"?

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