Buddha vs Susanoo.

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Susanoo shot forward without a sound, his mace raised high ready for strike while Buddha stood in place a calm and relaxed smile on his face. When the Shinto god swung his weapon towards the former human calmly stepped to the side with Susanoo's mace missing entirely allowing Buddha to charge Nen into his foot and kick the storm god away, or at least he would have had Susanoo not dug his staff into the dirt preventing him from flying away.

Jumping back Buddha morphed his staff into a giant spiked club, this was its second form Animal Realm, Horse-Faced Kannon - Nirvana. Grinning Buddha charged forward once again and swung his club which was meet with Susanoo doing the same as the two began to trade a series of rapid blows.

"And this match starts with a bang as Buddha and Susanoo both seem want to make this match up close and personal.!" Heimdall commented with the crowd cheering.

"Come on Buddha you can do it!" Zero cheered from were he was sitting with the human and god children who were cheering loudly.

"You can do it brother." Amaterasu smiled softly as she watched from the human section while hoping nether he nor Buddha would get hurt.

"Wow they pretty equal, I'm starting to get a little nervous." Geir spoke looking down at the match and saw the two finally broke apart and jump back to get some distance. "No" Brunhilde spoke a slight frown on her face. "Susanno is diffintly stronger than Buddha but Buddha has the slight edge on speed and agility. Add on Buddha's Pure Enlightenment Eighth Consciousness allowed him to dodge Susanoo for the time being." Brunhilde said as she crossed her arms.

Pure Enlightenment Eighth Consciousness: A divine ability, one in which only those who're enlightened can utilize. This ability allows Buddha to see a moment into the future by reading the fluctuations of a creature's soul and the radiance in the light of their will to determine their actions, granting him a form of precognition. The moments Buddha sees can be witnessed enough times for him to know exactly how and when to best avoid incoming attack.

"Then what's the promise sis? Isn't it like Izuku's Haki? If he can see the attack coming and he's faster than Susanoo then he shouldn't have to worry right?" Geir asked not understanding what the problem with Izuku sighing. "Geir when have these matches ever been so simple? Buddha has an advantage right now true, but it's not out of the question that Susanoo has a way to change that." Izuku told the youngest who looked towards the arena nervously.

Meanwhile Brunhilde was scowling as she watched the match. 'It's worse than that though. Bu-chan doesn't want to hurt his friend if he can help it and there is a way to accomplish that. But that means we're in for a long one.' Brunhilde thought and her fears were confirmed when she saw an aura of Nen cover Buddha. 'Damn it Bu-Chan.' She thought resigned.

Back in the stadium Susanoo narrowed his eyes as he saw something seemed to shimmer behind Buddha before it quickly disappeared. "Something wrong buddy?" Buddha asked getting a shake of the head from Susanoo who once more charged forward while thrusting his staff forward. Jumping back Buddha morphed his staff into what appeared to be a giant smoking pipe which he immediately put to his lips. Immediately purple smoke flew from the pipe before morphing into ten clones of Buddha. This was Buddha's Deep Purple. a technique allowing Buddha to create up to different constructs.

Smirking Buddha snapped his fingers. "Go get them boys." He ordered causing the smoke soldiers to charge forward with 6 of them rushing forward while 4 jumped high in the air as they rushed towards the Shinto god. The storm god merely swung his staff, instantly destroying the clones on the ground before lightning ran across his arm before blasting the 4 of them to nothing.

Before Susanoo could commence his counter attack however he something slammed into the back of his head sending him face first into the ground much to his and everyone watching's confusion.

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