Top of the mountain

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(Not gonna lie, I'm not happy with this one.)

Shiva has been waiting for such a long time now, to the point it felt like that's all she ever has been doing.

It all started with the meeting to determine wether humanity would be spare or not, where she waited for the vote to be casted so they could finish off the wretched things and she could begin waiting for what ever spices they evolved next to do something to entrain her. That was when the Valkyrie entered with her hilarious idea of beginning the Ragnarok where she started to wait for the gods to kick the impudent half-human out after laughing in her face.

Only for those idiots to agree after one let insult to them.

And before she knew it she was sitting in Valhalla Arena waiting for this little farce of a contest to be over while hoping it could be a little entertaining. Her mood didn't change when humanity's first contestant came into the arena to face Thor, being just a boy she thought nothing of him, even with that little show of power when he entered the arena she figured it was just another trick from the valkyries. Her opinion didn't change much when the fight began and although she was surprised when the boy revealed his powers it ultimately meant nothing if he couldn't hurt Thor and so she simply waited for Thor to turn him into a smear on the ground.

And then Thor was sent flying into a wall puking up blood as she flew.

There were no words to describe the shock and disbelief she felt at seeing such an impossible sight. But as the match went on her disbelief began to change to happiness and excitement. Finally, finally an opponent showed up who might be able to give her the same came of rush in fight she hadn't felt since she faced off against her oldest friend Rudra.

That feeling only grew as the fight neared its end and Izuku brought out his final attack, a massive beast made of lightening that looked like it could wipe out any god if it hit them head on. When the dust cleared and Thor had been declared the loser the excitement grew even more. A human, a fucking human had just defeated one of the greatest warriors the gods had to offer and seemed to take minimum damage while doing do and she had all her fingers crossed that she would get the change to fight him herself.

But the universe seemed to want to spite her in that moment and but the boy in a death match against Zeus of all people and she knew that her hopes of fighting the green haired boy went up in smoke and all she could do was wait for the inevitable and hope she could get a decent fight later.

Only to have once the match actually get started her jaw hanging open  as she watched eyes full of awe and slight jealously what had to be the greatest fist fight she had ever seen. The way the two clashed literally shock the heavens towards the end with it ending with a sight she thought impossible, the king of the gods losing and dying. while laughing like a mad man.

That confirmed it for her, She needed to fight Izuku Midoriya as soon as possible, they boy seemed almost unstoppable and that's the kind of challenge she loves and once again she hoped that she would be selected to go up against the green haired boy.

Only to be hit with disappointment and a returning boredom when those chosen to fight not only didn't involve her but they also didn't involve Izuku, causing her to sigh and begin to wait once more for the inevitable slaughter to get over with and hopefully a more entertaining match.

After all who could defeat the sea tyrant?

The answer was the first man apparently as proven when Shiva watched only complete and utterly lost as Adam despite getting some serious injuries was able to best Poseidon herself causing her opinion on humanity to start to change, after all if humans despite one not being from their world could prove a match or even surpass them in this case maybe there was more to them then she first thought.

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