Magic and Might

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The moment the match begun Thor shot forward, ready to strike the goddess in front of her.  Bringing down her hammer Thor was planning to end the match as quick as possible, however right before the hammer impacted the goddess Heacte seemed to guide to the side completely missing the Greek.

Hecate didn't bat in eye as she raised her hand and fired off a blast of magic with Thor raising her own hand to block and although she was pushed back Thor was no damage done. Jumping into the air Thor conjured a giant bolt of lighting in her hand threw it directly towards the goddess, who with a snap of her fingers opened two portals one in front of her and one directly to the left of Thor.

Thor knew exactly what Hecate was planning however and twisted her body in a way that the bolt would harmlessly pass her. Then in the blink of an eye created another bolt of lightening and tossed it directly thew the portal closest to her resulting in the lightening appearing right in front of Hecate.


As a light enveloped the area surrounding Hecate Thor tried to see through the light for any signs of her opponent only to narrow her eyes when she saw the goddess standing perfectly fine behind a a octagon shield made of magic. Hecate then slammed her hands together causing the octagon to turn on its side before splitting into eight as the goddess pulled her hands apart.

Thrusting her hands forward the shields flew towards the thunderer, passing through multiple of the stone pillars, each one was cut clear through from where ever the octagons hit them. Thor however was unfazed and proceeded to jump onto the first octagon before leaping to each one and after reaching the final shield, she jumped high into the air and clutching Mjölnir with both hands she barreled towards Hecate.

Hecate unblinking merely flicked her wrist and conjured a wind with the power of a hurricane was sent flying into one of pillars before grabbing hold of it to keep from sailing out of the arena. However in the few seconds Thor was distracted Hecate conjured sphere of magic in her hand and sent it flying towards the norse goddess who had no time to stop it, as it neared her face the sphere started glow brightly for a few seconds letting off a major explosion.

"THOR!" Frosti screamed as humanity watched on in horror. "And after a nail bitting opening act Hecate appears to have gotten first blood, how much that amounts to is left to be seen!" Heimdall announced not taking his eyes off the match for a second.

In the stands Loki sighed. "Yeah I was afraid of this." She sighed getting looks from everyone. "See Thor's battle prowess is second to known, however it's also very simple and so are most of the opponents Thor's faced. And the few sorcerers she's faced have never had the power to be of any danger and were always annihilated in a single hit." Here she sighed annoyed. "We have spared many times before and it always goes the same. She wins but she falls for most of if not all of my tricks."

Here Loki threw a concerned glance towards Thor who now visible was mostly unharmed if not a tad singed. However Loki could tell was beginning to get annoyed, also having released just what kind of match she was in for. 'Keep it together, remember what you're fighting for.' Loki mentally coached Thor, hoping this would be the one time the thunderer could see through her opponents tricks.

Thor herself had her eyes narrowed at the magic goddess who was staring up at her unblinking, waiting for the norse goddess to make the first move, something she was more than happy to do as she raised her hammer read to strike. 'No!' A part of her shouted. 'That's exactly what she wants me to do, I'd b flying right into a trap.' She growled as she shock her head and attempted to calm herself down.

'This is just like your matches with Loki, don't get caught up in the magic. She's not a trickster like Loki so every spell should be relativity straight forward.' She reasoned with herself managing to calm herself down somewhat.

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