Roaring Thunder

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(before we begin I'd just want to remind everyone that this is a devil fruit Izuku story and that it takes place durning the first couple of weeks in the work study with Endeavor. Also I ask that through out this take not of the commentary from the crowd and at the end tell me what you think, like if it's to much or to little.)

"Let the first round of the final battle between the ultimate gods and the ultimate humans begin!" Heimdall announced before rushing to the very edge of the arena so he wouldn't get caught up in the cross fire though he didn't need to be quick as when he did reach his safe haven he noticed that the two hadn't moved from their spot. "What's this?! It seems that are competitors haven't moved a muscle! Thor has even dropped her hammer!" He announced seeing Mjolnir laying on the ground.

Up in the god's private section Zeus laughed. "Well this is interesting, Thor not taking the boy is seriously is expected but for the human to just stand there, well I thought Brunhilde would at least warn the poor lad what he was facing." The king of the gods continued to laugh.

Down with the humans Aizawa gave a nod of approval. "Good he's not rushing in blind like he would at the beginning of the year." The homeroom teacher praised getting a nod from his fellow teachers. "Indeed, Midoriya probably knows something and is playing it safe for now. Especially since this is the first clash and he hasn't seen just what once of these gods are capable of yet." Principal Nezu added his own thoughts to the matter, thought he did laugh when he heard some of his students cheering.

"JUST FIGHT ALREADY DEKU!" Bakugou yelled growing more and more impatient by the second though people weren't sure if it was due to his temper or his nerves.

"Through her into an abyss she couldn't possibly escape from." Tokoyami yelled in his own eccentric way.

"SHOW THESE PAGAN GODS JUST HOW FAKE THEY ARE!" This came unsurprisingly enough came from Ibara who up until now had been a state of shock since learning the truth and seemed to have finally snapped out of it. Elsewhere both gods and humans were slowly getting impatient and unease at the silent stare down between the two fighters.

And than finally the fighting had begun and before the eyes of gods and humans alike Izuku using the powers of the Arms-Arms Fruit morphed his arms into turret machine guns and unleashed a barrage of bullets to the surprised goddess. "This..this is incredible! Izuku Midoriya has somehow morphed his arms into large fire arms and unleashed a hail of bullets at Thor!" Heimdall roared into his horn which was only heard slightly over the now cheering human section.

"Unbelievable! He has super powers"

"How'd he'd do that?!"

"Who the hell cares?! There's no way that goddess can withstand that!"

All around humanity was marveling over seeing a superpower human for the first time, as well as seeing it as sigh that there was hope for the future. While those from Izuku's own universe watch them. "Wow I forgot that none of these guys have seen a quirk before." Ochako muttered looking around at the crowd who were now cheering the green haired teen on widely. "At least now we know why some of our looks had changed." Tsuyu Asui muttered looking down at her and saw that her frog features were gone, same with those like Mezo, Koji and Mineta. Hell even Toru was now visible.

"Still at least humanity's taking it better than the gods seem to be." Momo muttered as she glanced over at the gods section who seemed to be yelling and arguing over how a mere human could possibly have any sort of power with a few starting to shout blame at each other about it.

Up in the private section things weren't much different as Shiva fell of her pillow in shock. "What the hell? Shiva shouted standing up and marching over to the edge all five of her golden eyes staring down in shock. How the hell is the human capable of this?" Shiva demanded. "Oh my!" Aphrodite gasped. "Cute and full of surprises!" She muttered. "Do you think Thor would give to me after the fight? I'd love a new toy." She asked, lust filling her eyes.

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