Fighting in the Forest

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That was the only sound that continued to echo through the forest arena as Simo continued to move. Shoot and move, shoot and move that the only reasonable method that Simo could employ, with Hephaestus out classing him in almost every stat. So the Finnish snipper did what he did best, shoot from a distance until he could land that perfect shoot to but the forge god out of commission.


Simo clicked his tongue in annoyance as the tree behind him was blasted to pieces. The guns in Hephaestus hands more akin to portable cannons, with each one having more than enough power to deal devastating damage to the Finnish sniper.

'Besides it's not like he's the one one who tricks up his sleeve.' Hayha thought as he placed the butt of his rifle on his shoulder and while still moving through the air pulled the trigger.


Hephaestus casually dodged. "Ha you're going to have to do better than that boy if you want to-." He was unable to finish his statement as the tree behind him was destroyed in a fiery explosion. "A bullet with the power of an RPG, not bad." Hephaestus admitted before grunting as several shotgun bullets pelted into him. "Sneaky little runt are ya? Well boy if you want to take me down then you're going to have to be a little more inventive than that." Hephaestus warned before flipping a switch on his guns and fired another shot.

As SImo watched the bullets approach he was prepared to dodge when his eyes widened in horror when the two bullets suddenly divided into 3 each. Thinking quickly Simo kicked off the truck of the nearest tree and narrowly avoided the shots which tore through the branches and tress that they hit.

"And Simo narrowly avoids a devastating blow!" Heimdall announced through his microphone as humanity shouted out their support while the gods growled, having yet to see the smith god land a hit and take several shots across his body.

Up in the private section Power let out a yawn. "Damnit it would these two pussies just man up and fight seriously already?" Power complained, having grown completely bored of the match after seeing the last two fights.

"Shut up dumbass!" Brunhilde hissed towards the devil before going back to the match with narrowed eyes and a scowl. 'Come on Hayha finish the fight before Hephaestus gets serious!' The 1st valkyrie mentally shouted towards the sniper not wanting the human to have to face the smith god when he actually tried to fight.

Back in the forest Hayha scowled as he darted around the forest, having decided that remaining in the tree tops were too dangerous for now. 'The question is what do I do now?' The Finnish sniper pondered on how to best the god before his eyes drifted to ground around him, with a grin coming to his face a second later.

Hephaestus wasn't moving at the moment, perfectly content to let the human come at him, or rather shoot at him and then retaliate. The whooshing of something flying through the air reached his ears and turned around just in time to feel several small objects continuously bounce off his back.

Raising an eyebrow he ignored the continuously onslaught as he glanced down and saw what he was being pelted with a raised eyebrow. "Rocks?" The god guffawed half in amusement and half in disbelief. "Does the lad think I'll give up if he hits me with enough of them?" He continued to laugh while ignoring the continued stream of rocks.

Those laughs turned to grunts of shock and pain as the rocks were now mixed with a hail of bullets and caused blood to flow from the god's back.

Darting to the right the barrage of bullets stoped only to be replaced by a small metal canister flying through the air and straight towards the god who recognized it instantly. 'A flash grenade!' Hephaestus thought as he instantly covered his eyes. The grenade went off a second alter and although he didn't go blind there was a bad ringing in his eyes. A second later the god felt a pain in his left leg and saw Simo standing there, holding a knife that was plunged into the god's leg.

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