Wins and losses.

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Raiden was getting angrier by the second. With every roar of rage and scraping of concreit from the monsters he was facing Raiden could feel his anger grow. "Calm down Raiden." Thrud grunted as Raiden slammed into the pale creature with a Kiku-Ichimonji sending it flying through the air before slamming face first into the ground which he than stomped on repeatedly.

He only got to the 6th stomp however when the sound of the statue's return made it self known but was meet with the sumo's Shishimai, where the sumo  launches his feet in the air with his hands supported on the ground while delivering a powerful kick with the soles of both feet. The kick connected and Raiden followed that up with a punch to the sculpture's head sending it rearing in the opposite direction hoping to separate the two.

Sadly the head followed with the rest of the living art work's form hurtling through one of the many holes that had been created in their fight. The pale creature was back on its feet and already launching more strikes at the sumo only for the champion to grab both his arms and give a mighty pull. "Raiden!" Thrud roared in his mind as the creature screeched as Raiden succeed in ripping off he monster's arms and proceeded to beat him with it only for the creature to kick him away.

"There's no time Thrud we've already lost Hades, and I refuse to lose anyone else!" Raiden said as the thought of his comrades fighting  against foes as strong as the Morgott bastard while he was stuck here fighting these jokers infuriated him. Raiden then took a deep breathe.

"Thrud we're using the Oni." Raiden told his parnther who went silent for a moment. "Are you sure?" She asked quietly getting a grunt from the sumo as he nodded. "Yeah we should have used it during Ragnarok, but I was worried about others getting caught in the crossfire." Here Raiden narrowed his eyes as the creature as he heard the stature get closer and closer. "But this is the prefect situation. No need to worry about allies or civilians, just the enemy." Raiden declared before clenching his fist. "Besides worst case scenario, you can direct me towards my friends and they can stop me one way or another." Raiden finished with statement with conviction.

"It won't come to that, I won't allow it." Thrud said with an equal amount of determination in her voice causing the sumo to crack a smile. "I know." he muttered before watching the creature get too its feet as while their arms were already regrowing. "Right than, let's get it started!" He shouted with an excited smirk.






The sound reverberated through out the entire chamber causing the creature to stop momentary as it looked towards the source which was none other than Raiden's heart. Raiden's smile was getting bigger and bigger as an intense heat started to radiate off him and was growing more intense by the moment. "Don't like that huh?" Raiden laughed as he took several steps towards the creature forcing it to step back. "Hate t tell you that pal but it's going to get a lot worse!" He declared before erupting in an explosion of steam and smoke.

The stature by this point had arrived and was flung back by the blast while the creature was able to withstand the push back. The statue was back immediately and soaring immediately towards the sumo with the intent to destroy the anomaly that refused to submit to the power of the CRUNCH!


The entire building shock as the head of the statue was sent flying high into the air while the rest of it was smashed to smithereens. The creature was barely able to give off a whine when some closed around his neck. The creature struggled to fight and claw at whatever was holding him by the neck but it was futile.

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