A new challenge.

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It had. been a solid 30 minutes since the end of the last match and humanity was still cheering hard as they watched the arena once more get repaired and prepared for the awards ceremony for humanity's champions. "Thank goodness it's finally over." All Might breathed out in relief as he slumped in his seat, an action that was mirrored by many. "I know right, I haven't been able to fully relax since the start of the first match." Hawks admitted letting out a groan as if he had been the one fighting.

The other heroes just rolled their eyes expecting nothing else from the number 2 hero. "Regardless humanity of this world is safe for a thousand years if the gods are true to their words." Ryukyu reminded them with Mirko snorting as she glared at the other side of the arena. "Does it look like they intend to keep their word?" The rabbit hero asked sarcastically as she gestured her head to were the god's who were still bent of destroying humanity sat. Their rage and hatred was rolling off them in full force covering them in a darkness that left only their glowing hate filled eyes visible.

"No." The dragoon hero admitted before gesturing all around her. "But at least it looks like the gods sitting over here are ready to start helping humanity again." And true enough she was correct as various gods were already in deep discussion with those from humanity. Gods such as Demeter, Iòunn and others along with various types of nymphs were already speaking with various farmers and others in charge of food production. Informing them of the best places, methods and times to grow the most product as well as planning various blessing they could give to help.

Wisdom gods and goddess were meeting with various world leaders to help see if they could help the dignitaries come to an understanding so they could end various conflicts and bloodshed on earth.

While gods of medicine and healing were hard at work informing doctors and various heads of medicine on how to cure various of the diseases plaguing the earth.

Watching this going on the heroes smiled slightly at the slow but true process this world was making and hoped it would lead to this being avoided in the future.

The students meanwhile were chatting and cheering at the same time. "Man this was incredible!" Kirishima said banging his fist together in the process. "The human fighters were all so manly, heck even most of the gods were too!" He exclaimed with Tetsutetsu nodding rapidly in agreement. "I know right, watching all of this has me reeling to get back to our world and do some hero work!" The metal user shouted at the top of his lungs with many of the students nodding in agreement. Wanting to get out and help some people in any way they could.

And a small part of them which they would never admit to wanted to redeem themselves after their failure in protecting Raiden after round 4.

"I don't know about you but I'm glad it's finally over ribbit. My nerves were on end since the first match." Tsu admitted getting nods of agreement from Momo, Kyoka and Ochako. "I know what you mean, I lost tack of how many times my heart almost burst from the stress." The creator told the frog girl as she placed her hand to her chest. "Yeah and that means Deku's finally safe." Ochako breathed out easily glad her crush was finally safe.

"Yeah it was kinda weird seeing Izuku get hit so much." Kyoka muttered twirling her jack around her finger, having gotten so use to seeing attacks just fly harmlessly through Izuku thanks to his logia abilities.

"Regardless this horrible show is now over and we can go back to our world and continue our studies." Momo told the other girls who nodded before they chatted about what they were going to try and do once they got back to their work studies.

Bakugou meanwhile was twitching as his leg continued to bounce in his seat as he sat there impatiently wanting to get back to their world so he could take down some villains. Something that was slowly gnawing on Shoto's nerves. "Would you give it a rest Boom-Boom, we'll be back soon enough." The ice and fire user told the explosion user who instantly growled towards him. "Oh don't act all high and mighty Icy Hot, I know you're just as eager to get back to the streets as I am!" Katsuki shouted and Shoto was unable to counter this considering it was true.

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