planning for the future.

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It was a devastating blow.

To not only lose two fighters in Rasputin and Kintoki but especially her younger sisters without so much as a trace as to what was responsible left Brunhilde with a hairpin temper. But after searching every inch of the building and questioning everyone who had last seen them before the attacks started she was forced to admit they were gone. Izuku also confirmed this or at least confirmed they were no longer in range of his Haki.

Izuku himself wasn't with her at the moment as his Haki had picked up something weird a few floors below him so he along with Beelzebub, Sïmo and Leonidas to investigate while the rest stayed behind and watched Brunhilde pace around the room whispering vulgarity's under her breathe.

"Uh ...sister." Geir whispered scared and flinched when the eldest valkyrie turned her burning glare to her casing her shake as she continued. "I-I-I was just wondering if you had any ideas about what to do now. You know with our missing sisters and the two empty spots on our team." Geir asked only to shrink back as Brunhilde's face seemed to darken until only her eyes seemed to be visible as she slowly approached her sister with her arms out stretched as if to strangle the youngest valkyrie.

"Hey, let me go you jerk do you have any idea who you're hauling here?!" A rough sounding female voice demanded as Izuku walked in a flat look on his face as what appeared to be a young, failing girl flung over his shoulder. "Put me down already damnit!" The girl demanded and a second later she got her wish as Izuku dropped her unceremoniously onto the ground causing her to groan. "God damn it, that hurt you prick!" The girl swore as she got up and glared towards Izuku letting everyone get their first good look at her.

 "God damn it, that hurt you prick!" The girl swore as she got up and glared towards Izuku letting everyone get their first good look at her

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"You told me to put you down, so I put you down." Izuku responded sounding as flatly as his face currently looked. The girl was growling and looked like she was about to run and pummel Izuku only for a young voice to sigh. "Come on Power we're trying to get help from these people, so please try and be nice." It pleaded as the rest of the group that went with Izuku entered the room along with... a dog with a chainsaw for a nose?

The dog seeing he had everyone's attention laughed nervously

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The dog seeing he had everyone's attention laughed nervously. "Uh...hi everyone I'm Pochita and this is my younger sister Power and I was hoping you could help us out." The now named Pochita requested as group blinked at the quick introduction before glancing over towards the group with looks that demanded answers.

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