Neo Ragnarok Begins.

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The crowd was silent as they watched the two fighters stare each other down, neither moving as both seemed perfectly content to wait for the other to move first. However those who payed close enough attention could tell that while Jack was genuinely fine with waiting Athena was growing more and more agitated.

'Does this lowly mortal truly believe she could stand against me?' The goddess thought with a growl as she began to clutch her bow harder. 'Blasphemous!' She thought with a scowl which only grew deeper when Jack caught her eye and gave her an innocent smile. "Is there a problem?" The human asked which seemed to be the greek's breaking point.

'Inncolent wretch!' She thought raised her bow and conjuring three arrows before launching them at the human at blinding speeds.




Only for them to be knocked out of the air and land harmlessly on the ground after being deflected by three knives thrown by Jack. 'Dawn Völundr.; Athena thought as she glanced towards the serial killer who was now holding knives between each of her fingers. "Well now looks like we've officially begun." Jack proclaimed before throwing her knives at the goddess who dodged the knives with ease.

Athena grunted raising her bow and fired another valley of arrows only for them to be deflected by another set of knives.

"And it seems the two are in a dead lock folks! Nether have gained first blood yet." Heimdall announced as the audience grew more and more on edge. "Up in the stands Geir was looking on in worry. "Ah sis, just how many of those knives does Jack have? Cause to me it seems like she might be wasting them all before the start of the match." Geir proclaimed in worry.

Brunhilde just smiled towards her sister. "Don't worry Geir, thanks to those pouches of her's Jack will never run out of weapons." Brunhilde was quick to reassure only for Geir to blink in confusion. "But sis isn't Hlökk's Völundr form the gloves?" The longest asked getting a nod from the 1st valkyrie. "Indeed however before the first tournament started Jack came to me with a request.

She requested a couple of pouches that were capable of conjuring an unlimited number of items from them so long as they could fit in the pouches." Here Brunhilde smirked. "An easy enough request if you know the right people." The eldest explained with Geir completely at a loss at who can create something so crazy.

With the villains both Stain and Toga were watching Jack with great interest. "Amazing!" Toga gushed. "The precision and power behind each knife and being able to do it while throwing multiple at a times! She's so cool!" Toga kept on the praise with Stain nodding. "Her skills are undeniable, certainly my abilities with knives." The hero hunter admitted easily only to scowl when he heard Geten scoff.

"As expected a weak little speck like you praising, a subhuman for a mediocre skill." The ice manipulator sneered only to flinch slightly as Toga appeared right behind him with a knife to her his throat. 'When did she?' He thought only to still when the knife pricked him. "If it's so easy let's see you do it some time ." She challenged before pulling her knife away and walking back to the few people of the groups she could call her friends.

Back in the arena, nether of the fighters had made any progress as the floor surrounding them were now littered with knifes and arrows. Athena had had enough as she materialized her bow as a portal opened behind her as dozens of what appear to be pairs of eyes lit up the darkness. "So you can stop my arrows from hitting you, con graduations." Athena told the killer with a scowl. "I suppose it's time to try something different then." She shouted as dozens of whatever was hiding in the darkness shot out at great speeds towards the serial killer.

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