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Jack examined her opponent carefully. Loki might seem like she was unhinged but that was proven false as instead of instantly attacking she was watching Jack just as intently as Jack was watching her. 'A shame.' The serial killer thought. 'It would have been so much easier if she was overcome with blood lust and just attacked blindly.'

Still Jack's job was the same as it was in her last match. Knock out her opponent and win the match. So without wasting anymore time Jack charged forward knives between her fingers as she tried throwing her knives at the green haired goddess only for Loki to block them with one of her hooks while sending the other to attack.

Jack proved she was just as quick however as she jumped to the side and started running on the wall to quickly get behind her while also reaching into her pouches and pulling out stun grenades with she threw at the goddess.

Loki yelped in surprise and had to cover her eyes allowing Jack to get in close and aim a punch on the goddess that landed dead center forcing Loki back. Jack followed her, a knife now in her hands to deal a blow that could end the match only for it to clash with a knife Loki summoned.

Loki's knife was of much better quality and easily managed to cleave through them forcing Jack to jump back but not before receiving a cut to her face. Cackling Loki followed after, her knife raised high in the air ready to rip Jack apart while Jack calmly stepped forward and threw a punch. This caused the gods going against humanity to snicker and mock the killer thinking she was throwing her match.


Only for sparks to fly as her fist came into contact with the blade before Jack was able to force Loki's knife arm away and allow Jack to swing her elbow at the goddess. Loki tried to move just out of range only for something to emerge out of the killer's elbow and slice across the bridge of Loki's nose before Jack delivering a kick to the goddess chest sending her away.

It was then that the audience saw two small blades sticking out of the killer's hand and elbow. "My that's unexpected." Ujiko muttered as he examined the modifications to the killer's body and wondered where she got them.

Geir shivered seeing the blades sticking out of the killer. "No matter how many times I see it that's always going to be creepy!" Geir squealed with Brunhilde grunting. "Regardless of what you think those implants make for a great weapon." Brunhilde said before smirking. "And that's not all she has up her sleeve." She muttered before frowning. "But once again it seems Jack is being forced into a safe match!" She growled angrily especially considering it was easy to see Jack was going to try and knock Loki out while Loki was going for the kill.

Back in the match Loki dismissed the hooked blades and Jack blinked when suddenly there were over a dozen Loki's surrounding her. Looking around she saw that each and everyone one of them were cackling madly while holding a knife in each hand.

Without any more prompting the Lokis shot forward forcing Jack to jump high in the air and throw knives down on to the army only for them to separate and dodge. "And it seems Jack is backed into a corner, now that she has an entire army to deal with." Heimdall announced and Jack would have laughed had she the time. "An army? Hardly." The killer thought as she used her Soul Eye to view the clones.

The clones were hollow, colorless and were nothing more than harmless illusions while the real one was off to the side. Jack after landing dashed forward and weaved through the crowd, ducking and dodging the clones she knew couldn't hurt her until the real Loki shot forward, her knife raised and ready to slice off Jack's head got within range did Jack twitch her ring finger.


Jack's arm shot forward with such speed and force thanks to her spring loaded arm that it forced Loki back, shattering her nose and teeth as it sent her back causing her clones to dissaper as she landed in a heap. Groaning the goddess stood back up panting as the lower half of her head was now covered in blood.

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