A logo of the three wolves in brown, black, and white flashes on all the digital screens of Gandok, in the order of Jeon, Ji, and Kim, the three support systems of Gandok. Then the three handsome men greet the people Yeon sitting in the middle and Jin and Jeongguk on his left and right.

Taehyung remembers when his father used to be on t.v like this. He once during the broadcast ran up to him to offer him the chocolate grandfather brought to him. The other two men, that is Jeongguk and Yeon’s father smiled at him while his father kissed him on the head and made him sit on his lap, telling the assistant to not bother. Taehyung remembers he was just 3-4 years old and after a while, he dozed off in his father’s arm.

Time has passed and his father wanted Jin to take up that seat. Jin looks like the perfect person for this job and Taehyung wanted nothing better than this for his brother, he believes in him and his family. His eyes travel to the person on the other side and seeing the suit that he touched and felt in the morning, his heartbeat quickens and something stirs inside him pulling him towards that man.

He wanted to take his eyes away but couldn’t help and stare. Jeongguk looked different here, serious and straight with a dominant aura. It doesn’t look like this person can smile and tease others. Taehyung thinks of him smiling at someone else and the thought makes his blood boil. He curses himself for these weird thoughts and focuses on what his brother is saying.

Jin smiles at the camera. He has a different attraction in his charms that could make others glued to him and hear what he has to say. He was knowing he has the attention of everyone and thus proceeds in a soft and polite tone. “Dear people of Gandok, we know you are enraged and feel betrayed and lost with all the happenings but don’t forget you have us who will till the end fight for justice of the society and its people. We are here to hear your grievances and work on them. There is nothing that can not be solved if we work calmly and peacefully. I am very disappointed to see some of us burning down the posters or damaging the property, interrupting the work and schedule of others. Your anger is justified but when have not we tried to put things in the right order, you need to believe in us and our judgment.”

Jeongguk nods and adds as Jin stops, his voice was firm and low. “In a time like this don’t create chaos by marching on the streets and blocking the roads, justice will be served to the one who deserves it. We are working on the case and the results will be shown to all of you, it takes time as we don’t want an innocent to be put behind bars. I would like you to act calmly and not do anything that would bind us to take strict actions.”

“Hunh, always so strict,” Taehyung says burying his head unknowingly in the coat.

Yeon then speaks “It is a shame that some shady organization wants to break the peace of this place but we won’t let them win and use us, our getting hyped by someone who never reveals their identity and claims they want good for us is quite concerning. I want you all to think rationally and distinguish between right and wrong. All the culprits, if found guilty will be put behind bars but it is also important to note to not trust anything like this wholeheartedly. Someone having such dubious means of working cannot be relied upon. Soon you will hear a piece of good news as I will show you what a hoax this organization is and watch together as it crumbles down.

Last but not the least, Jen pharmaceuticals are shut down, the medicines are quick to be removed from the market, and we will also compensate the families that are affected by it.”

Taehyung smirks and checks his watch, his smile spreading wide. Yeon was about to say more but the network gets disrupted and Umbra flashes again on the screen. Elian gulps looking intently at it.

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