The Lost Princess

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THE pictures made the world cry.

The young girl, not quite a teen, still needing a mother's love - still a child - bravely clutching the hands of her "older" brothers.

Dressed in black, fashionable black created by one of her mother's favourite designers, but still black. Her hair pulled back in a long braid, her eyes solemn. No tears.

No tears for Princess Victoria, Vicky to her family and most of the girls she went to school with.

No tears.

Emily had touched the TV screen and her tears fell. Not for the little princess Victoria, not for Vicky who shared her dorm room, her tears fell for Tory -her best friend and the only one that made boarding school tolerable. Tory who understood what it was like to have your mummy and daddy break up. They'd shared that experience but not this one. Emma still had her mother - her Diana - she couldn't imagine what it would be like to cling to her older siblings Tom and Hannah and walk the streets behind her mother's coffin. Walk in front of all those people.

She didn't think she'd be as brave as Tory.

She wished she could be there and hold her hand.

But mother had said no - no to the attention, no to the press. Mother wanted their family to be just for Tory not for the world, a safe place. At 12 Emily wasn't quite sure what she meant but she knew that people took a lot of pictures of her friend and even more of her mother. She thought that might be glamorous and fun, but her mother asked if she thought Tory felt comfortable having her picture taken all the time? And Emily knew she didn't. Tory hadn't liked her picture taken at thei r previous school and avoided it now they were off at boarding school. Tory liked to be in the background. Emily's big brother wanted to be an actor and so did she. But when asked, Tory just said she wanted to be invisible.

Emily hadn't understood it until that day. Emily had always been envious of Tory - had always wanted to be a princess - like Cinderella or Ariel or Tory or her beautiful mother.

The beautiful dresses and expensive cars, living in a palace. Tory had joked that she could marry one of her brothers and be her sister for real, Emily didn't mind that thought, Tory's big brothers were handsome - William was dreamy, Emily was like the rest of the teen-aged girls in Britain and probably the world - in love with the young prince. But unlike the rest of the world she didn't have pictures of him on her wall - Tory came over sometimes (with her own security guards) it would be weird to have pictures of her big brother on the wall. To Tory he was just Wills but to Emily he was the ultimate handsome prince- always so nice to her in a big brother way. Then there was Harry! Harry was Harry - he was only a few minutes older than Tory but he still considered himself her big brother. He still pulled her hair even though he was 13 now - but he still opened doors for her and he was cute in his own way.

She knew Tory had a crush on her brother too - she talked about Tom a lot. Emily didn't get it, Tom was great but he was such a dork. Her friend was a princess, she could have any boy in the world. Tom wasn't a prince, he was just Tom and he was old and serious. She was obviously mad.

But watching Tory stoically walk the streets that day, Emily got it. She finally got why Tory liked ordinary dorky Tom, got why she didn't want to be a princess, didn't want to be visible.

Tory lived in a fish bowl - everyone thought they knew her. Here she was on the worst day of her life with cameras thrust in her face. The little girl who wanted to be invisible was the most visible person in the world.

Everyone's heart went out to the little girl who'd lost her mother, everyone wanted to hug her but none of them really knew her, she didn't like to be hugged. She wasn't Princess Victoria glamorous daughter of Princess Diana - she was Tory, who preferred books to Barbies and cars to dresses!

She was Tory and she had lost the one person in the world that she had wanted to love and be loved by.

Emily had looked around the room that day, felt her mother's arms around her. Watched her sister getting her drinks and food and fussing over her like she had lost someone too; she had her hair ruffled by her big brother and then watched Tory on the screen and knew that being a princess wasn't like the fairytales.

But she prayed that Tory might still get a happily ever after.

The Lost Princess (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfiction) Wattpad FeaturedWhere stories live. Discover now