"Is it safe to have her here? Near you and Kaki?" Sofia asks.

"Yes, she's fully recovered now," Lauren says. She looks at her wife's sister with furrowed eyebrows. "Why ask all these questions about Grace?" Lauren asks.

"Because Brigitte asked if she's going to be here. She knows that her ten years are done. She was probably wondering why she wasn't here for months now," Sofia says.

"Brigitte has been counting down the days until Grace's release ever since she was five," Lauren says.

"Any news on Zayn?" Sofia asks.

"Not since I gave birth to Brigitte and left Malik Edenbrook," Lauren says.

"You made a hard choice leaving Malik Edenrbook," Sofia says.

"It was but... I did it for my family," Lauren says.

"At least the hospital you're working at gives you a pretty good salary and Camila is still going strong as a book writer," Sofia says.

"I know the latest one she just released, still makes me cry," Lauren says.

"It's based on your love story," Sofia says.

"A major rollercoaster," Lauren says.

"No kidding," Sofia says.

"Shut up and keep Brigitte entertained," Lauren says.

Sofia laughs and holds up her hands apologetically before entering back inside the house.

Camila parks the car in the driveway and turns the car off.

She looks at Grace who is sitting in silence beside her.

"You've been silent the whole ride," Camila speaks softly.

"I... It's been so long since I've been out here," Grace says.

"It's not like the whole world has changed," Camila says.

"Well... Our family has. You said that it's Brigitte's birthday today, right?" Grace looks at her mother.

Despite the ten years, the brunette still looks just as beautiful as she did before even her wife, they don't look like they aged at all.

"Yeah, it is," Camila confirms.

"I don't know if I'm ready to meet her," Grace says.

"Don't worry, Brigitte doesn't know the bad you did. She doesn't even know the real truth about the exact reason you were in that mental hospital," Camila says.

"Okay. Thank you for that, mami. I want to tell Brigitte the truth," Grace says.

"Come on, let's go inside," Camila takes her seatbelt off.

When they get out, the brunette locks her car and they both make their way to the front door as Camila opens it.

"Familia, I'm back!" Camila announces. (Family)

Sofia and the twins emerge from the living room as Grace drops her bags.

"Oh how you three grown," Grace says.

"Gracie..." They all three said.

Grace opens her arms and the three of them enter her embrace, hugging her right.

"I'm glad to see you out," Sofia says as she pulls away.

"Wow, the years have really made you look a lot like our mother. How old are you, twenty-two?" Grace says.

"Yeah. And you are twenty-nine, how old you've gotten," Sofia teases.

Grace looks at the twins and cups one of their cheeks in each of her hands.

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