Loss Of A Father

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The next morning, the sky is dark and gloomy as rain drizzles outside.

Camila stands in front of the body mirror, buttoning up her black blazer while Lauren is seated down on the bed, putting on her black heels.

"It's like the weather knew we were hurting," Lauren speaks softly.

Camila frowns as she looks at Lauren in the mirror. The brunette doesn't respond as she smooths down her outfit, thinking about what her father told her.

Lauren stands up after finishing and walks over to her wife. "This is dumb to ask but... Are you okay?" Lauren speaks softly.

"Just trying to understand what my father meant about what he said last to me," Camila says.

"What do you mean?" Lauren furrows her eyebrows confusingly.

"He said that they are a lot of things that I don't know about and that sooner or later things will be revealed," Camila says.

Lauren's eyes widen as she backs away, shaking her head softly. "That's odd," Lauren says.

Camila looks at her wife weirdly due to the way she reacted but decides not to say anything about it.

"I'll go see if the kids are ready," Lauren says.

"Okay," Camila nods.

In the car, the kids are in the back holding onto each other, crying while Camila is in the driver's seat following the hearse car carrying her father's coffin.

Lauren looks over at her wife and frowns. She reaches over and takes one of her hands in hers. "You should have let me drive," Lauren says.

"I'm okay enough to drive," Camila says. She brings their hands up and kisses the back of Lauren's.

At the red light, Lauren leans over and plants a tender kiss on Camila's cheek. "I'm here for you," Lauren whispers.

Camila smiles softly and kisses Lauren's cheek back. "I know you are," Camila whispers. She strokes Lauren's hand and kisses the back of it.

Lauren sits back in her seat as Camila begins to drive again when the light turns green.

At the cemetery, everybody gathers around as they watch Alejandro's coffin, tears flowing down their cheeks.

"Baby, it's time for you to speak," Lauren says.

Camila squeezes Lauren's hand softly and steps forward. She clears her throat and her voice is filled with love but also with hurt. "My dad was always a great man. A great friend, a great husband, a great grandfather, and a great father. Ever since I was younger... I always wanted to be just like him. He was my role model. He was there and helped me when I needed it the most. When I first went to school up to the point when I had my eldest daughter when I was just in high school and even when I lost my mother. I could always count on him. I hope you're in a happy place, papi, and I hope that you're with mami," Camila finally finishes. She sets a bouquet on top of the coffin and touches it, saying a quiet 'goodbye' before backing away.

Lauren grabs Camila's hand and wipes away her wife's tears. "That was beautiful," Lauren whispers.

"I don't think I could do this, Lauren," Camila says.

"Hey... Your father would have told you to stay strong if he were here right now," Lauren says.

The people start to lower the coffin into the grave as they start to bury it.

Lauren wraps her arms around Camila as the brunette cries in her wife's arms.

Once done, the workers give respectful nods to the Cabello family and walk away.

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