Couples Therapy

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One week later...

"Do we need to do this?" Lauren asks.

"Yes we do," Camila says.

"I don't think we need couple's therapy," Lauren says.

"Our relationship is a bit rocky. And we need to talk about how the whole truth of our family... Has changed," Camila says.

"I suppose," Lauren says.

"And since we're together again and you're having a kid that's not mine... I feel like we need someone to talk about it," Camila adds.

"Okay," Lauren nods.

"Come on, we have until Sofia and the twins get out of school," Camila says.

Both girls walk down the stairs and Camila grabs her car keys on the way out of the house.

In the couple therapist's office, the two girls sit in front of the therapist who is a dirty blonde-haired man, around the same age as them, who is dressed in a black vest, white dress shirt underneath, black suit pants, and black long sock and all-black oxfords on his feet.

"So, Mrs. Cabello and Mrs. Jauregui, can we start discussing the topic of why you decided to come to couple's therapy today?" The man pulled out a pair of glasses, placing them on.

"I've recently found that my wife has been lying to me my entire life. My eldest daughter who I taught was my own, isn't," Camila begins.

The man's brown eyes shift to Lauren, who for some reason, feels intimidated by them.

"How did Mrs. Cabello find out?" He asks the green-eyed girl.

"She hired a private investigator, who is also her brother-in-law, to dig into my life," Lauren says.

The man's eyes turn back to Camila. "That was wrong of you to do Mrs. Cabello. There's supposed to be trust within a relationship, more in marriage," He says.

"What will you do if your wife was hiding secrets from you?" Camila defensively says.

The man takes his glasses off. "For one, I've just divorced my wife," He says.

"Why?" Camila asks.

"We're not here to discuss about me, Mrs. Cabello," The man says.

"No, no. Come on tell me. Why did you divorce her?" Camila asks.

"Camila that is none of our business," Lauren speaks.

"No, it's okay," The man says towards the green-eyed girl. He looks at the brunette. "She cheated on me with my best friend," He says, his face falling.

"Guess we share sort of the same story because my wife here cheated on me with her boss and is now pregnant with his baby," Camila says.

The man puts his glasses back on and stares at the married couple.

"How long have you've two been together?" The man asks.

"Since freshman year of high school," Camila says.

"Married?" The man asks.

The brunette looks over at Lauren. "Do you remember?" Camila asks.

"Why don't you answer?" Lauren says.

"Because I want to see if you remember how long we've been married," Camila says.

"Do you remember?" Lauren sits straight in her seat.

"Yeah. Do you?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

"Almost 17 years," Lauren says.

"Shocker, you remembered," Camila says.

"What do you mean by that?" Lauren says.

"What I mean is that I'm shocked you didn't forget when you were around screwing with your boss for six of those damn years," Camila says.

"Just because I was doesn't mean I forgot all about you and me. I've told you so many times, I loved you and only you even when I was with him," Lauren says.

"And halfway through your affair with him, if you wanted to be pleasured, then why didn't you just wake me up by sucking my dick or better yet riding it, you know that's my favorite," Camila raises her voice.

"You don't give a shit, do you? Did you forget the therapist is still in the room?" Lauren's voice raises.

"It's his job to fucking listen," Camila says.

"We came to talk not to fucking scream at each other," Lauren says.

"I'm not screaming," Camila says.

Lauren laughs, a none humored one, as she says, "Yeah sure. I bet everyone in the other rooms in this hall fucking heard you."

"You want me to walk and knock on every door and ask them?" Camila says sarcastically.

"That just might put me to ease," Lauren responds in the same tone.

They turn away from each other, Camila looking out the window and Lauren at the door of the room.

"Well, I suppose I take it you two won't be talking to each other for the rest of the session," The man speaks.

"Just tell us, is our relationship down bad?" Camila says.

"No. There's stuff here and there but they can be resolved. I do suggest one thing. Mrs. Jauregui, stay away from your boss even at work," The man says.

"But what if he approaches me?" Lauren says.

"Try not being around him for too long when he does. It's clear the thought of him even being in the same building as you triggers Mrs. Cabello," The man says.

"Just thinking about him, in general, makes me want to rip my dick off," Camila says.

"Okay well. This is your first step in fixing the damages made on your relationship and the trust within it," The man says.

"Thank you, Dr. Cornell," Camila says.

"Don't thank me, it'll be my utmost pleasure to be able to help fix your marriage. I can tell by looking at the two of you that your love is still as strong as when it started," Dr. Cornell says.

Camila and Lauren stand up from their seats as Dr. Cornell does too, shaking both of their hands.

"I will see you two in a week from now. Same time," Dr. Cornell says.

"And if the first step goes bad?" Camila asks.

"Call me and I'll set up a meeting as quickly as possible," Dr. Cornell says.

"We'll see you next week, Dr. Cornell," Lauren says.

She and Camila walk over to the door, the brunette opening it as Lauren steps out first, her wife right behind her, closing the door before they walk down the hall.

"Amor," Camila speaks softly, hands in her pant pockets.

"Mhmm?" Lauren hums.

"What I said in there, about you waking me up by sucking or riding me... I shouldn't have," Camila says.

Lauren stops walking causing the brunette to stop as well.

"We were in the heat of the moment, it's okay, I'm not mad," Lauren says.

"Well..." Camila trails off. She reaches down and takes Lauren's hand in hers. "I also shouldn't have assumed that you forget how long we've been married," Camila says. The brunette pulls her wife closer and kisses the side of her jaw, biting it softly. "I'm sorry," She whispers.

"I forgive you," Lauren whispers.

"Thank you," Camila whispers. She pulls away and smiles at her wife. "Let's go home," Camila says.

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