When Their Journey Began...

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So this entire chapter is going to be all about Camila and Lauren back in high school when they found out Lauren was pregnant, hope you enjoy :)


Camila walks down the hallway with her best friend as they make their way over to the brunette's girlfriend's locker.

"Hey, babe," Camila speaks.

Lauren closes her locker as she smiles weakly at Camila. "Hey... I, uh... I need to talk to you," She speaks lowly so no one in the halls can hear.

"About?" Camila furrows her eyebrows confusingly.

"Can we go somewhere more private?" Lauren says.

"Of course," Camila nods.

Lauren takes her girlfriend's hand and leads them into an empty classroom as she closes the door behind her.

"What's wrong baby?" Camila asks worriedly.

"Camila... I... I'm pregnant," Lauren says.

Camila stares wide-eyed at Lauren, leaning against a desk as she feels like her lungs are closing up.

"But I... I used a condom," Camila says.

"It probably broke, I don't know. What are we going to do?" Lauren stomps her foot in desperation.

"Tell our parents," Camila says.

"No! I can't... I can't tell my parents. What if... What if I abort?" Lauren suggests.

"No! I'm against those things and even so your parents will find out because you will need their permission and they probably won't allow that either," Camila says.

"Camila... Please. I'm scared, so scared," Lauren says, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"That makes two of us," Camila says. She walks over to Lauren and pulls her into her embrace. "Don't worry. I won't leave you alone in this," Camila speaks softly, stroking Lauren's hair.

Lauren wraps her arms around Camila tightly as she feels all her muscles relax just a tiny bit.

"Thank you," Lauren mumbles. She pulls away and looks into her girlfriend's brown orbs. "Can I... Stay with you tonight?" Lauren asks.

"Of course. But you can't hide this for long from your parents," Camila says.

"And what about you?" Lauren asks.

"We're telling them when we go to my house after school," Camila says.

"Are you sure?" Lauren asks worriedly.

"Yes," Camila nods.

"Are you scared?" Lauren asks.

"Yes," Camila says.

After school, Camila parks her car in her house's driveway as both she and Lauren get out.

Camila looks at the open garage to see that both of her parents' cars are parked inside.

"They're home," Camila says.

Lauren starts to run her hand through her hair over and over again, something she does when she's nervous and Camila knows so the brunette takes her girlfriend's hand in hers and squeezes it, reassuring the green-eyed girl that she's right there with her.

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