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The birds chirp outside as the sun's light beams through the windows, lighting up the bedroom of Lauren and Camila.

Lauren slides her Rolex watch on her wrist and clips it before she smooths down her blouse.

Camila walks out of the bathroom, all showered and changed. "Are you off to work?" She asks.

"Yeah," Lauren nods.

Camila walks over and kisses Lauren's shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you... Like always," She whispers in her wife's ear.

Their eyes lock in the mirror as they savor the closeness, the warmth of each other's bodies.

"You know that I miss you too," Lauren says.

"Ever since we had our twin boys we haven't had time for ourselves," Camila says.

"Don't forget your sister and our eldest daughter. Plus my career has kicked off and I work my ass off so I can maintain our style of life," Lauren turns around.

"You are one of the best doctors in the world but don't also forget my successful career as well," Camila takes her wife's hands in hers.

"I have to go or I'll be late for work," Lauren pulls away, walking over to grab her bag that's on the bed.

"You're not going to eat breakfast with me and the kids?" Camila frowns.

"I don't have time. I have a lot of patients today. I'll eat something on the way to the hospital," Lauren says. She walks over and plants a kiss on Camila's cheek before leaving.

Camila walks over and sits down at the edge of the bed savoring her silent moments before her kids wake up.

She hears a pair of footsteps outside of her door and Camila looks over when the door opens.


"Grace. Good morning," Camila smiles at her eldest daughter.

"Where's mom?" Grace asks.

"She already left for work," Camila answers.

"It's been so long since mom has had breakfast with us," Grace leans against the doorway.

"Your mother is working very hard to maintain our style of life," Camila says.

"Understandable but it's like I don't even have another mother," Grace says.

"At least you have me," Camila stands up. She walks over and plants a kiss on her daughter's cheek. "And I decided to work from home so I can stay with you all while your mother goes and saves lives," Camila smiles.

"Can you make breakfast now?" Grace playfully pouts.

"Okay. Get showered and changed or you'll be late for college," Camila says. She gives her daughter another kiss on the cheek before walking down to the kitchen.

Once breakfast is done, her daughter Grace comes down the stairs with her brothers Joseph and Cole, the twins and the youngest, right behind her.

"Good morning baby boys! Where's your sister Sofia?" Camila asks.

"Sister? Sofia is not my sister she's yours, mom," Grace says.

"Grace..." Camila says firmly.

"I'm just speaking facts," Grace holds her hands up innocently.

"You know I had to take Sofia in my custody because my mother died upon giving birth to her and my dad couldn't financially take care of her or in general. Not by himself," Camila says.

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