Everything Becomes Clear

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Once Liam parked the car in his driveway, Camila got out of the car immediately as Dinah and the boy followed after Liam turned the car off and locked the doors.

"Camila!" Liam raises his voice.

"Just open the fucking door!" Camila says.

Liam walks up the front door, unlocks it, and the brunette pushes him away as she storms inside.

"Camila!" Dinah jogs after her best friend.

"Can you guys just leave me the fuck alone?!" Camila chokes on a sob.

She throws open a door and it reveals Liam's home bar as the brunette stalks over and grabs a full bottle of whiskey.

"Camila! Don't you-"

"Leave me alone! You've never been married, you don't have kids, you don't know how it feels to find out that your wife cheated on you twice, you don't know how it feels to find out that your first child, is not even yours," Camila says. She opens the whiskey bottle and downs a good amount. The brunette wipes the liquid that dripped down her chin as she looks at Liam. "And you knew, didn't you? You knew that Grace wasn't mine and you didn't fucking tell me!" Camila raises her voice.

"I found out after I graduated. I wanted to tell you but..." Liam trails off.

"But what?" Camila raises an eyebrow.

Liam sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. "You should have seen the way Lauren was when I told her I knew. It broke my heart and... I didn't want to break yours so I just... Let it go... Figured she would tell you at one point but when I found you in Cancún... I saw that she didn't," Liam says.

"You should have told me at Cancún like you should have told me back then! She fooled me, used me," Camila says.

"Don't look at it like that! Lauren would have aborted Grace if it weren't for you because the guy who got Lauren pregnant was pressuring her so hard to abort. She would have done it. She asked me to help her with the money and to get my mother to help her abort without the permission of her parents but she didn't because you were there, you helped her in more ways than you thought," Dinah says.

"Lauren even self-harmed herself because of the amount of pressure the guy that got her pregnant put her in and even when it was past the point that she can abort. She lied to you about how she got the cuts when you found them but Dinah and I knew," Liam says.

"We are your best friends and we are sorry for not telling you then and when we saw you again back at Cancún but Lauren relied on us for support and we couldn't send her into a worse state by telling you and causing her more stress than she already had. It would have affected Grace and her," Dinah says.

"You subsided all that stress, you helped her. If you weren't there... Who knew what would have happened to her and Grace," Liam says.

Camila grips her hair tight as she takes in everything her best friends said.

But it's too much so she throws the whiskey bottle at the wall, shattering it but one of the shards flies back at her and cuts her across the cheek but the brunette doesn't even acknowledge it.

"Get out! Please, get out!" Camila yells.

"The cut. Let us-"

"Let's go get the first aid. Give Camila a little space while we're at it so she can... Drink all this in," Liam says.

"And not all the alcohol, Mila," Dinah says.

Camila sits down on one of the sofas as her head falls in her hands while Dinah and Liam exit the room.

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